@Hgviolet GET YO HAIR BACK!!!!
Rough Animation
There is hope.. right..?
Epilogue 1
when i die young
The Sonic Files!
24.08.2020 23:30
Link~~Let Me Type~~
24.08.2020 23:42
LinkWelcome! The creator of this account here! All I want to do right now is explain what this account is gonna be! This account will be about the teams of the sonic franchise! Each week will switch between which team will be in control of the account. And sometimes when I feel like I'll have some different characters control the account! Like Eclipse the Darkling, Relic The Pika, Lara-Su, and other not as known characters or characters that aren't part of teams!
Now for those who'd like to know the schedule here it is!
First Week - Team Sonic
Second Week - Team Dark
Third Week - Team Rose
Fourth Week - Team Dimension
Fifth Week - Team Chaotix
Sixth Week - Team Babylon
And then it loops back around. This account will not be active on the weekends as for a break for me and the characters. I will use other characters when a team doesn't feel like being in charge of the account, or when I just don't feel like managing one of the teams. Also team dimension is the same team from the channel SonicSong18
24.08.2020 23:44
LinkSo if you don't know who Team Dimension is you look up their channel. It's a great place and they have great content! So now I welcome you to the start of The Sonic Files! This account will start posting tomorrow since in my time zone the day is nearly over! So see you then! Oh and if you have any questions about this account feel free to ask and I'll do my best to answer.
25.08.2020 00:36
LinkOh and I forgot to mention, the characters on this account will be more based on the ones from my AU. So the personalities will not be entirely the same so please do not get upset if you think the personalities are strange or different. That's how they're supposed to be.