Chapter 30 - Warrior's Thunder


08.02.2021 16:11
LinkChapter 30
It was scary for Beedew, Flytail, and Nighttail, as they were the only medicine cats left. They sat directly under the tree as the leaders were trying to calm the cats down. Cats in the crowd were bleeding, chattering and upset.
Specklepaw had a few bad bites on her tail, and Lionpaw had scratches covering his flank and side. The white and black she cat eyed him. “What are you glaring at?” He asked.
“You need to control the crowd!” She squeaked.
“How do you expect me to do that? I’m an apprentice!”
“I meant that you need to help me get the leaders' attention! I'm too small to do anything.” The older cat was truly much smaller than Lionpaw.
“Why do you need their attention?”
“To tell them about the really badly injured cats that were hidden in the battle, Jasperwhisker ordered me to do it.” She hastily replied, her whiskers trembling, “Bearclaw, Ripelilly, Stormpaw and Treeface are in critical condition… Because Milk had made a whole den fall on them! Or they were injured in the batt

08.02.2021 16:11
LinkLionpaw stood up.
“Now, help me throw sticks at the leaders, they aren’t hearing my yowls”
He padded over to a tree, grabbing and pulling branches off. The tree gave away easily to a good pile of sticks. He picked them up and trotted over to Specklepaw. Specklepaw nodded a thank you as she threw a stick straight into Mangledstar’s chest. The tom looked down at the stick but turned back towards the other leaders. Rubystar shrugged until a stick threw into her eyes.
Lionpaw folded his ears back. “Oops.” He whispered.
“Who did that?!” Yowled Quartzfur.
Specklepaw flinched “I did.”
Lionpaw tossed another one at Mangledstar when they were distracted. Rubystar looked down and huffed, “Why are you doing this.”
“We’re trying to get your attention.”
“For?” Hivestar glanced down.

08.02.2021 16:11
Link“Lots of cats need medical attention now.”
Beedew twitched her ear, “How bad are they? Where are they now?”
“I don’t know.”
“They’re in Leafclan, near the bees! Brisknose, Gorsewood, Badgerpaw, and Jasperwhisker are already there!”
“We should go get them.” Flutterstar meowed. Hivestar swiftly nodded and flew down onto the ground, leading the cats into her territory. Brisknose was lying on the ground, with a big gash on his side. Beedew swiftly ran up to him and began to apply herbs, and Jasperwhisker, who was fine, was helping.
“I think it’s my time….” Wheezed Ripelily.
Teddypelt rushed over. “You can’t!”
“I literally just had a whole den crumbled on me, it hurts…” She heaved. Berryeye swarmed over.
“Mouse-brain. Just get some rest and the medicine cats will heal you,” She said affectionately. “Suck it up.”
Blackfoot, along with Nightflower, Ripelily, and Blackwhisker, padded over. Nightflower forced Blackfoot and Blackwhisker to work, and began tending to the wounds.

08.02.2021 16:12
LinkJasperwhisker turned to the deputy, “Brisknose?”
The tom blinked his eyes open. “Yes?” He said slowly.
“I'm sorry.”
“Not stopping Shadowleg and being rude to you…” She hung her head.
Brisknose blinked. “It’s fine.”
“Good, because I’m a changed warrior.”
“Really? You’re still a bit bossy.” He joked.
Jasperwhisker mewed with laughter as it rippled up. “I know, but I’m a queen now. I have an excuse.”
“Ah well I guess so.”
Whitesnow ran to them. “Where’s my sister?”
“She’s fine,” Nighttail said a bit bluntly.
“Are you sure!?”
“Didn’t she say in the camp?” Badgeraw meowed.
“Yes but is she- Gorsewood!” The white she-cat’s sister was lying on the ground.
Gorsewood smiled softly as her sister, “I’m sorry… A cat snuck into the clan… I beat her off but she got me pretty good.
“You’ll be ok though, right?”
“Just a few shallow cuts. I’m good.”
Whitesnow purred. Gorsewood nuzzled her, “How are the kits?”
“They’re ok.”