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《 Nations 》
11.01.2020 22:48
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It has been five years since Ariya saw her sister for what she truly was, a monster. After that, all Anastasia whould do was either go out hunting with some of the top ranking hunters, spend all her time learning how to use weapons for self defence or hang out with thier parents, learning about how thier parliment works. Today both sisters where sitting side by side at a large desk, surrounded by world leaders. It was thier father's idea to allow them to take part, making decisions on thier country. Ariya yawned and fiddled with her braids, this was utterly boring. Anatasia was making all the decisions anyway. She sighed in relief when whats-his-name from the newly formed Dutch Empire announced that it was time for a hour long much break. Ariya quickly made her way into the large dining room and grabbed a plate. "There's very little food of our people." She heard her sister grumble. "Well, you share very little knowledge if your people with others." A voice piped up, making bother sister turn and glar
11.01.2020 22:58
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at him with the force of a thousand angry bears. He backed away alittle but before extending his hand. "I am Matthew Von Fronkchild. Pleased to meet the famous Soviet Sisters." He looked at Ariya and Anastasia, probably wondering how two identical twins could look so different. "I'm assuming the one with the pretty red and yellow dress is Ariya, and the one that looks like she is ready to kill me is Anastasia. By the way," he added "How does it feel knowing that soon you'll be 17, the age that your ancestor in which you where named after died?" Ariya shook her head and put a hand on her sisters shoulder, warning her to calm down. "It appears to me, Matthew, that you have forgotten that your people are extremely loyal to our nation, and that if you even try to do anything, there will be mutiny." Ariya smirked, that's the Anastasia she knew! Matthew looked embarrassed and quickly walked away. The sisters rolled thier eyes. This was going to be a long meeting.
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