I Wouldn't Mind MAP // Part 21
I wanna be an astronaut
Fight Fire With Fire
Hey gamers!
30.07.2021 23:17
LinkI'm stressed and trying not to just break the fuuck down! I had to hold myself back from beating up the nearest person I saw today!
Oh my god, I finished my band camp today? And I feel like shit because I can play almost none of he notes, and I suck at marching, and the choreography, and all in all band isnt fun anymore but my dad wont let me quit but if I do find a way to quit it's the only way I can see my friends? Because my school does this hing every years since I moved here 4 years ago where it gives me no classes with friends or anyone I can at least have a decent conversation to. And so after camp today i was really stressed and i was probably just gonna lose function in the middle of the camp but i didnt but then my sister came around and god is she annoying. She does this thing that gets on my nerves, she goes "I know I knq" and hisses when someone tells he
R something she doesnt like and she keeps gently hitting my when I told her to stop multipleb****ing times and I was super close to beating the living shit out of her ass because honestly I'm sick of her *****ing and complaining and being annoying and just. **** her. I hate her so ****ing much. The amount of times I had to hold myself back from kicking her to the floor and stepping on her face was way too many. And then, school starts in less than 2 weeks and I hated that place so much. But I'm going to high school and I'm bot sure if it's better or worse but I'm terrified. Middle school made me want to hurt myself and other people a lot and in general made me untrusting and made me realize that I cant tell anyone in this idiotic town anything or I'll just be less popular. Everyone just treats me like I'm insignificant compared to them when actually I am? I am so much better than basically everyone in my town but I cant ever show it. I feel like I just cant show anyone who I really am and it sucks.
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you should be able to show them that you’re better than them, and your sister sounds like a real biitch, it probably wouldn’t be that if you punched her, yknow? If people get annoying enough sometimes and only sometimes it’s okay to do shit like that. Because you are a lot better, but honestly if she is that rude and annoying disregard her feelings, mate, she sounds like she ****ing sucks