wof rp?


06.09.2021 22:42
Linkb e w a r e m y t e e t h

07.09.2021 00:10
Link*Beach waddled along the shore. Jumping when a bigger wave hit her wrists.* "Yeep!" *she yelped, they cold water spraying her round snout.*

07.09.2021 00:15
LinkStarshifter noticed the little dragonet (im assuming) playing by the beach, and swooped down to talk to her
Comment removed

07.09.2021 00:20
Link*She stared at the large NightWing that landed in a whoosh of air beside her.* "H-hi! Who are you?" *She gave a nervous glance away, contemplating how she could escape if needed, then gave a quizzical look at the NightWing.*

07.09.2021 00:23
LinkHello Beach

07.09.2021 00:26
Link*She blinked in wonder, and noticed a glittering tear-drop scale by the dragons eye.* "Hm...." *Her brow furrowed deep in thought.*

07.09.2021 00:26
Link*reads the thought*

07.09.2021 00:29
Link*She gasped, but quickly staggered back having inhaled sand particals.* "Your a mind reader!" *She cooked out the words between small delicate coughs.*

07.09.2021 00:31

07.09.2021 00:32
Linkare you ok-

07.09.2021 00:32
Link*coughed not cooked

07.09.2021 00:33
Linkayyy u got in!!!

07.09.2021 00:34
Link"Fine!" *Her tail waved dismissively, keeping the barb away from the other dragons face*

07.09.2021 00:34

07.09.2021 00:35
Link*mumbles* i did not see this-

07.09.2021 00:37
Link"What didn't you see?" *She whipped around to the dragons face. Pursuing her neck up as high as if could go, she thought about animus magic.* "Are you-"
Comment removed

07.09.2021 00:37
LinkOop, why it send twice?)

07.09.2021 00:38
LinkArent there many things we dont see?
i just didnt guess you'd giveme this much-
most dragons dont ususally find out about my... er... secret until i show them-

07.09.2021 00:38
LinkAw, I gtg, rp later?))

07.09.2021 00:39
LinkXD it does that sometimes))

07.09.2021 00:39
Linky e s))

07.09.2021 00:39
LinkAw, I gtg, rp later?))"I saw the silver scale."

07.09.2021 00:39
LinkGod, my device glitch)

07.09.2021 01:02
few dragons know what that is

07.09.2021 13:45
Link"Well I mean . . . I guess, but they must have known that it meant that- after Moon I mean...." *She trailed off and repeated the thought, asking about animus magic. She plopped down on the sand with a small scatter of it splaying out on her sides, then curled her tail around and behind her front talons.*

07.09.2021 20:21
A voice that sounds way to close to Darkstalker's in her head: " no Beach, I am not an animus."

08.09.2021 00:24
Link*She jumped, fear running through her scales.* “How did you do that?!”

08.09.2021 00:54
Link"Anyway," *She cleared her voice, and spoke in a clear tone most adult dragons use.* "What is your name? I won't bother introducing myself as you seem to know who I am."

08.09.2021 13:33
Link*Her tail lashed behind her, and her claws dug into the sand. Her yellow talons clenched. As the NightWing (now in front of her) just sat, doing nothing, she snorted a small flame, and lit a piece of drift wood.*

08.09.2021 20:15
LinkThe nightWing suddenly flinched hard and took off, his face startled

08.09.2021 21:14
Link*She jumped flying off in another direction, scared of what had startled the grown dragon.*

08.09.2021 21:40
Link*As she soared through the sky, she looked down, then up again. Night time she thought. A gust of wind brushed over her like strong wingbeats. Probably imaging it, she thought landing on her small cliff.* "Oh, moms still at work and dad went hunting..... Ah, well, I'll go take a nap.*

08.09.2021 22:28
LinkSoon after she landed, a large-ish SandWing with dusty gold scales and a golden claw flew up behind her and landed.
He said cheerily.
'what is a dragonet doing on this cliff alone?'
He inquired, swishing his tail,which was without a tail barb but in place was a large golden dagger that seemed to be tied on with gold twine.

08.09.2021 23:46
Link"Uhm... Hi! My parents are out doing some things...." *She hesitantly answerd the large SandWing. Then tilted her head.* "You seem a bit.... familiar."

09.09.2021 01:08
Link*She shook her head, thinking it was impossible.* "Were you following me?" *She glanced around, knowing almost no one knew her actual rocky out cropping of a home.*

09.09.2021 01:11
LinkH e l l o ? ))

09.09.2021 01:14
LinkH e l l o ? ))she muttered "What ever." And turned. *She looked around her familiar cave. Dropping a small shell she had, she bounded in an almost glowing ball of delight to her room and bundled herself up into her cloth blankets.*

09.09.2021 02:36
LinkE sry im not gonna be on here much... and can we ingor that last one ive got a good idea for the second thing))
Hello! and i hope you can keep yourself safe... we're not far from a very questionable place...
anyways, who are you? you seem slightly familiar..."
he tilted his head and peetred at her intently, something gleaming in his eyes, something old, something magic-

09.09.2021 13:16
Link"I'm Beach." *Her answer was muffled through the blankets.* "I am fine, but you know, the SkyWings might get annoyed with more guests than nececcary." *She at this point had poked her head out of her blankets, and scuttled out on to the ledge.*

09.09.2021 22:19
He noticed a larger, stronger, battle hardened SandWing fly up behind him and land

09.09.2021 22:20
Link"hello! Ettey, you remember me right?"

09.09.2021 22:21
LinkThe SandWing grinned and the light glinted off of his horn ring and amber eating.
He had Alot of jewelry for a seemingly poor SandWing

09.09.2021 23:46
Link*She looked a bit nervous, seeing the two (to a dragonet) impossibly large SandWings in front of her.* "Hm.."

10.09.2021 00:09
Link*She scuttled into the cave, winding her tail around a large wooden pole that had marks all over it. She began sharpening her claws.*

10.09.2021 01:46
LinkThe two SandWings chattered for a little bit, and then the strand one took off.
The bigger one, who had an enormous scar stretching the length of his neck, walked over and said ' hello!
Who are you?"
He looked kind but old ish, Bad he had a strange fire in his dark eyes... Similar to that of the other SandWing but not the same...

10.09.2021 13:13
Link"Hi. I'm Beach." *She stared at the remaining SandWing and fear flashed cold but burning through her scales.*

10.09.2021 20:44
Linkhi beach!
you look like a hybrid... what tribes?"
the SandWing asked enthusiastically, and after he had surveyed the room, the starnge fire died and there was nothing but an old kind twinkle remained.

10.09.2021 21:55
Link"My mother is a SandWing and my father is a SeaWing." *She subconcusly swiped a talon over her noticably blue sail. Her tail wound around her talons, as she peered at the old dragon.*

11.09.2021 02:21
And if you're wondering who I am,I'm Sandy McSandding.
Who was your mother?

11.09.2021 02:21
LinkThe SandWing looked enthusiastically, running through every possible SandWing her mother could be.

11.09.2021 03:14
Link"My mother /is/-" *She clearly annunciated, filling in Sandy that her mother was out.* "Palm. She was exiled a few years back when Queen Thorn found out she was with a SeaWing. My fathers name is Jellyfish."

11.09.2021 16:01
He put his claw to his head and rubbed it
I- I didn't know palm had another daughter....'

11.09.2021 18:03
Link*She nodded, but she was confused.* "I'm her second?"

11.09.2021 19:13
Link*The dragonet thout back, and she realized that about a week ago was her mother's 80th hatching day.* "I know she's old but... I mean, she never said she had another daughter.*

11.09.2021 22:20
LinkYeah, Onyx. She tried to challenge Queen Thorn for the throne years ago'
How many years after is this?))

11.09.2021 22:50
LinkLet's say like about 15?))

11.09.2021 23:46

12.09.2021 00:08
LinkJust then the other SandWing returned,this time with a bottle of something.

12.09.2021 00:34
Link*She cooked her head.* "Whats in there?" *Her face fell into a horror yet awestruck look. She fell back as black clouded her vision, but she doubled back, landing on her front talons.* "Ah!" *She was shaking, her body tremoring and her scales seemed to pulse.*

12.09.2021 00:46
LinkOne of the SandWings stared shocked and ran over to her, while the other whispered something to the bottle and made her drink some

12.09.2021 00:55
Link*Feeling the unknown liquid go down her throat she stopped shaking, but stayed hunched staring blankly at something the SandWings couldn't see. It looked like what her sister may look like.* "Onyx." *She breathed the word, then lied down on her blankets dazed.*

12.09.2021 01:32
That was strange...
What happened?
The thinner SandWing asked, his golden claw glinting in the dim dolight,,something seemed to pulsate through it...

12.09.2021 01:33
LinkThe larger SandWing said something about Thorn and flew away

12.09.2021 15:03
Link"Wha- what happened?" *She whispered the words as fear still tightly gripped her mind.* "I saw my.... sister. Onyx." *She spoke in a bit of a stronger voice, but was unsure of if it /was/ her sister.*

12.09.2021 15:48
LinkMind if I switch ocs))

12.09.2021 16:36
LinkGo ahead))

12.09.2021 16:43
LinkActually nvm

12.09.2021 16:43
LinkThat... Is incredibly strange...
I cannot help you here

12.09.2021 16:44
LinkThe SandWing with the Golden Talons looked confused and wrinkled his brow in thought.

12.09.2021 16:46
Link*She shook her head, dropping the subject.*

13.09.2021 21:54
Link"Whats your name? Also, maybe....nevermind." *She stumbled away dropping her blankets in another section of the cave.*

18.09.2021 02:22
Link*Comeing back to the larger opening with the large SandWing, her tail dragged, scraping annoyingly on the stone.*