

20.12.2023 19:16
LinkI rarely ever see people talk about how genuinely nice it feels to care about someone or love someone sometimes
Whether it be a friend, a partner, a family member or a pet, it just feels so human to care about something
like i don't even know how to explain it
I love the feeling of being able to talk to my friends for hours on call and I dont know what I'd do if that were to be ripped away from me, I genuinely appreciate the people close to me in my life

20.12.2023 19:21
LinkI want to be there for the people that need me and I dont see that as a bad thing
Whoever normalized being mean and bitter to ur friends should be thrown in a pool of acid
I think it's sufficient in life to appreciate the people close to you, especially if they mean something to you. You never know when you can lose someone close to you, I mean you could literally be having the best time with someone you care about and the next day they could just be gone within a blink of an eye

20.12.2023 19:26
LinkIt should be normalized, caring about your friends and checking up on them frequently. Someone you care about could be suffering in silence, and if you truly care about them the last thing you'd want is for them to do anything to hurt themselves.
Appreciate the little things in life tbh

20.12.2023 19:27
LinkIdk rant over I think