I fuggin can't...
19.12.2021 23:41
Linkit's just so... comforting in a way...
19.12.2021 23:55
Linkwhen you're able to sketch and draw out something you're craving, but you aren't sure how to talk about it or bring it up... It's a bit hard for me to tell people when I'm wanting cuddles or something like that, and I bottle it up in the end. I have figured out that it's not fun once you run outta bottles to fill, you end up falling apart at the worst possible times. Then when you keep yourself from falling apart you end up snapping and being more aggressive then you would normally be...
20.12.2021 00:03
LinkI nearly got suspended for death threatening a student recently, I wish to clarify that this student, in particular, has bullied me my whole damn life...
Anyways... Don't be dumb kids, cry when you really want to, and talk to family or your closest friends if you need to get something off your chest or tell me, I am a very accepting person for some reason.
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