

22.07.2020 12:15
Linkso today is my beloved cat zoe's last day on earth. she has been acting strange for a while now but it was only two days ago when we realized she wasnt eating her food or grooming herself. we took her to the vet yesterday and her teeth are in such bad condition she can't eat. she had 6 needles in her yesterday. her kidneys are failing. she wouldnt eat her medicine. because of this, we have made the selfless decision to euthanize her. shes being put down tomorrow.

22.07.2020 12:16
Linkits hard to see an animal i have loved like a sister and a best friend slowly deteriorate. ive had her since i was 2. she flew on the plane with me when we moved across the country. she lived with my grandparents with me. she was there for my parents divorce. for my other cats death. for my hamsters death. when we got a new cat. she was there on my first day of preschool and now i have to say goodbye. it doesnt seem real. i grew up with her. she is all i know.

22.07.2020 12:18
Linkits hard to accept it even though im trying my hardest to stay strong. i know shes lived the best life any cat could ever live. she would be turning 13 in october. shes been such a spoiled cat. everyone loved her. she got so many pets. her own little bed. her favorite food is chicken. i know this is just something that happens but i still dont want to believe my best friend is dying.

22.07.2020 12:21
Linkive never had a pet go like this before. knowing she will die. watching her die. tomorrow we are going to the vet and i will watch them kill her.. its unreal. my old cat got cancer. the other one had a respiratory infection. to know shes dying is.. heart breaking. i will pet her and stroke her as she dies.. i dont know how to handle it.

22.07.2020 12:23
Linkas you can imagine, ive been crying nonstop for the past few days. this is so sudden, just yesterday i found out shes being put down and now tomorrow she will be dead. its hard for me to be happy, i know this is normal and she was healthy her entire life, but at the same time, i want her to stay here with me forever. im going to miss her. so much. my baby. my best friend. zoe. i love you.

Ah, yes it is very hard to get over a pets death, I had a cat companion as well, he was our neighbors cat and he loves to hang out at our house all the time. He's a sweet orange cat named Rupert, and he loves the little bit of milk I pour for him every day. He was an old cat, and I would actually be sad at how old he is because I know he's going soon. Suddenly, his time finally came. he went missing in April. It was a mystery for me for months, until my friend- former neighbor just recently told me that that my other neighbors found his body in their yard. I also figured out his owner died as well, who was also my friend. Terrible. My dad does not allow me to get a cat and i miss having the experiences of always getting to go see my buddy who's sleeping on the now broken chair on our porch. Also, his name is Rupert, and i believe he was and will always be the best animal i've ever met.

but, you got to spend your last day with dear Zoe, mine was unexpected. I never even got to let him in this year because of risks of the stupid virus. My last day with him was a rainy grey day. I didn't feel like seeing him much those next couple of days, but little did I know those were my very last chances. He's gone forever. No matter how many dreams I have about seeing him again I'll never ever get him back. Not even to see him one last time. It keeps me up at night. I'd look through the door every single time I would go downstairs expecting to see Rupert, waiting on the porch. It is so very hard to get over a pet's death. Especially one that played a big role in your childhood. I'm sorry about Zoe's death.

thank you so much for your compassion. i still think about her everyday, even if this was months ago. her bed is under my bed. the thing that keeps me from crying everytime i think about her is knowing that if she died, her body was probably hurting so bad, and i don't want her to be in pain. the same with Rupert. they don't pass for no reason, and it might have been a good thing rather than seeing them in pain for any longer.