The people in the explosion
28.04.2021 17:13
LinkLunar: Lost
Jackson: Survived
Bruno: Survived
Katie: Lost
Galaxy: Lost
MC: Dead
Lil swirl: Dead
Juni: Lost
Blue: Survived
Red: Lost
Purple: Dead
Nugget: Survived was lost before tho
William: Lost but survived eventually
Cyan: Lost
Keith: Lost
Pico: Survived
Gf: Lost
Lemon Demon: Dead
Thats all of em-
28.04.2021 17:16
LinkVex: Survived
Chex: Taken over by Virus
Hex: Taken over by Virus
28.04.2021 17:29
LinkSR pelo: Lost
Pump: Mutated
SKid: scared and lost
28.04.2021 17:37
LinkEOTU: Lost
Cult peeps: Dead
IC Man: Dead
Lila: Mutated
HG: Dead
Clown: Lost
Cops: Cocaine
Kevin: Dead