Lunastars Tale
15.02.2021 01:16
LinkWhoops I fogot to put the chapter number
15.02.2021 01:16
Linkits chaper 4
15.02.2021 01:26
Link'Let all cats old enough to catch there own prey gather beneath the tallrock for a clan meeting.' Stormstar yowled, 'Spiderkit, from this day onward until you have your warrior name you shall be known as Spiderpaw, your mentor will be Adderfang.' Stormstar announced. He apprenticed Stonekit to Graymist, and Willowkit to Hazelwisker. After the ceremony the three mentors and there apprentices went out into the forest. Lunakit was so bored, if only she was as old as them. Just one more moon she thought hopefully. Stormstar padded over to Lunakit and Heavyfeather. 'You cant be Heavyfeathers apprentice Lunakit, I'm sorry.' Stormstar told the two cats. Lunakits tail drooped and walked back to the nursery.