Story time! (of how I almost


15.07.2021 20:29
LinkDied* plus a cool forest story if your interested (say Foox if you wanna hear that one -w- So basically when I was like five or sixI was just playing with my twin everything was normal then suddenly I felt very. Very very sick so I ran to my mom and said “I -“ I couldn’t finish the sentence before throwing up at her feet, she assumed I just had the flu or something so stuck me in bed and I watched tv for a bit before throwing up again, I was throwing up for about three days and then I had a seizure, I was talking with my grand parents who had came to visit and my eyes rolled into the back on my head and since everything was black I don’t remember much but at one point I stopped shaking and saw I was in an ambulance, and Continue to have a seizure (sorry if my story telling skills aren’t the best these memories are a bit fuzzy) and then soon I was in a hospital with like three needles in my arms one look and I started crying thinking I was gonna die, well yeah I apparently had the flu, nanomia? Nomonia??

15.07.2021 20:29
LinkA cold, and I kept having seizures so left was GREAT. I soon fell asleep occasionally woke up and ate something and had some gatorade, I would freak out when I saw red Gatorade bc I remembered drinking it before I had the seizure so I thought that’s what caused it, (i still think that- not sure why but I stay Far away from red Gatorade) and soon some of my dad’s friends came with a box of chocolates and a white bear and I just cried thinking I was gonna die and this was the offerings (when I was young I thought people gave offerings to the people who were gonna die since our grandpa was given gifts before he died) and they told me it was okay and I took one bite of the chocolate and threw up and then I was immediately given four shots in both of my legs and I cried again- I want a very brave kid growing up, so basically for the next Week I just sat in a hospital bed and took shots had an ivy in my arm and just chilled- though I did cry a lot thinking I was gonna die, but I didn’t, when I came back my twin sta

15.07.2021 20:29
LinkStared at me like “what the hell? Why did the big white red truck take you?” And I just shrugged (she didn’t say hell she was five or six she didn’t know that was a word -w-) but honestly that was the scariest moment of my life, I actually almost died, bc that Namonia ? nomonia - whatever- is a really bad disease that - actually Idk what I does but it’s really really bad and I could’ve died. That scares my and I occasionally have nightmares that I get it again- is scary— anyways yeah that’s how I almost died ✨

15.07.2021 20:49
15.07.2021 20:54
LinkAlright forest story below ⬇️
So this was actually a few months back maybe like two three ish months?
Anyways so I was visiting some friends bc *yeah* me and my family decided Let’s go to Tennessee to visit friends ✨ so we packed up and soon arrived there as soon as Howe got ther I jumped out of the car hugged Everett and Kaden, we’ve known each other for a while, we ate then bolted to the forest and they didn’t tell me the forest had holes in the entry so I rolled my ankle as soon as I stepped in they waited for me to get back up and walk it off soon enough I was running with them to their “bases” the first one had a little river and some fish we jumped across and we went to their next one after a while, we found it it was this ditch with a fallen tree we walked across it and since we’re all idiots we thought “oh look a vine, maybe we could swing across?” But we had the problem of who was gonna see if it was safe. Yeah uhm we did Riock paper scissors to see who would go and I ended up going I held on

15.07.2021 20:58
LinkAnd swung across, I was having a blast until I slammed into a tree with thorns, then it snapped and I walked - climbed back up to them bleeding as if I got into a fight they laugh at me and I ended up laughing too and we continued exploring the forest saw spiders, snakes and one fox though we were all like “oh. Okay” and quickly walked away since we all were already beaten up from tripping on ricks and clibinv trees so after a. Few hours we thought “hey there is a gas station near by let’s go get a treat!” We got there and I had some chocolate and we shared a soda and we shared stories as we walked back into the forest, imagine the looks we got a bunch of teens with junk food walking into a forest, anyways so we’re walking back and decided we should head back after a bit and we did

15.07.2021 21:02
LinkWhen we got home we were absolutely covered in ticks, cuts, bruises and dirt but we had the biggest smiles on our faces and our parents were like “oh. Well. Uhm Go shower and clean up the cuts and check for ticks” we all thought we should go one more time later after dinner and watch the stars and we asked if we could we were able to but we couldn’t stay out long bc it’s dark and all and I’m not the bravest in the dark- easily spooked so you can just imagine them scarring the crap out of me when they got the chance - when we were out there for one a last time we watched the stars and told stories it was lots of fun, Kaden fell out of the tree he is okay just had a sore back for a few days but yeah that’s the forest story!