hii (▰˘◡˘▰)


Tightrope Parkour Girl


Red Lips


upgraded and fixed animation!
just sm stuff so I dont forget


22.07.2021 05:43
Linkthese will just be copy and paste messages I sent to my bestie so I don't forget anything bout my ocs I told them about!!

22.07.2021 05:43
he's not half the ass he was, mind you, and he actually plays a part in my main lore!!
smth Imma start of with is he's a single dad of a fem leaning agender darling that I designed earlier this wEEK that i'll tell you about in a sec but Temperanza is the main focus here so ANYWAY
so back in the days of Jack when he first started trying to take over the world was when Temp was like a highass crimeboss and was one of the main dudes that helped Jack out with his culty mafia thing with Giuliani, cuz he was also from that demon world that Jack was a king of,
so like yeah really bad dude, like an actual asshole cuz he murdered entire families like it was a hobby </3
so then his kid was born and his wife or whatever, mum of his kid, was like "honey stfu I'm ditching this crime life and moving to paris or smth cuz this isn't safe" and Jack heard about her trying to leave and was like
and killed her
and Temperanza did a lil surprised pikachu face like "mf what'd you just d o ?"
so with a few fr

22.07.2021 05:44
Linkiends (who were later found and killed) he managed to escape that cult and raised his kid alone, completely ignoring his past life and tried to move on by having a "stable" life. Meanwhile the cult was actively trying to find him and kill him </3
anyway thats where he is to this d a y
imma tell you about his personality
so back then he was an asshole, but n o w
he's still an asshole but not as much, and he cares a lot about people and their issues and stuff. He l o v e s his kid to d e a t h and would legitimately murder someone if they even so much as called them a ***** smhsmh
he's ofc very fatherly, but we cannot have an asshole character without a **** ton of flirt so he's flirty too and I love that sjmsms
since he's a demon in a human world he can't really have a normal job so he gets involved with the weirder kinda "people" (aka other humanoid things that were unleashed when Jack tore the wall between earth and hell"
so like yeah thats where he's at rn!!
his kid, I've designed them but I ha

22.07.2021 05:45
Linkaven't give them a personality besides literally just writing "personification of a cinnamon dumpling" so thats something to work off of I guess smh
i'll tell you about them when i think of smth tho!!

22.07.2021 05:45
Linkend of temperanza stuff

22.07.2021 05:45
Linktaurus stuff

22.07.2021 05:46
LinkOfc they're agender as stated before, they're fem leaning tho, she prefers she/her, and is fine with they/them, and nyas catgender cuz nya is going through a phase I went to that I classify as the "cat phase" and she's obsessed with cats lmao
so nyas really sweet, extremely extroverted, but like kind of on the creepy side? kind of like Soul in the way she can't focus on just one thing, and her mind is fluttering rapidly lmao
she's a nurse, as well!! and nya's a bit obsessed with the idea of death and collects bird bones as one d o e s
has an entire box of bird skulls lmao
their number one dream is to obtain a cat skull but nya wont do anything to make that happen, shes just waiting till nya finds one
anyway they dig around in her home's backyard forest to find said bones
nya's also a lesbian because her having a mum and dad was too straight for me/hj/lh
they also want to become a cosmetologist because nya's obsessed with makeup and hair lmao
anyway they don't have a lot of friends cuz she's kind of fr

22.07.2021 05:46
Linkeaky sobs
I canonize nya to make flower crowns and pastel bead necklaces for her dad sobs
thats it so far!!

22.07.2021 05:47
LinkI forgot to add a bunch of stuff about her so i'll just type them here
nya broke her leg and it didn't heal properly so she has to wear a knee stabilizing cast thing that nya adorns with stickers and stuff
she lost her right eye to an untreated infection so nya wears one of those cute medical patches that ofc has a cat face on it smhsmh
nya is mildly illiterate because Temperanza didn't want them to go to school for risk of someone knowing who they were, so he homeschooled nya but he wasn't very good at it lmao
they're also 7'3

22.07.2021 05:49
Linkthats it so far sobs

22.07.2021 05:50
Linkprobably gonna write smth on here about Temperanza and Taurus tbh smhsmh