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Quintins backstory...
11.08.2022 16:46
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Do not chain
11.08.2022 16:53
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Quintin didn't have a standard childhood being born somewhere back then the date never set in stone just that he's 30 and doesn't live in modern times anyways his father sadly was abusive towards him and his mother until his mother was finally able to divorce his father his mother took him and moved away they soon got word of Quintins father going to prison and killing himself the two were some what sad but didn't morn his loss all of this happened when he turned 12 years old now Quintins mother Sarah uh she wasn't your normal average single mother you see she was a very paranoid and scared woman who was very over protective of her son she taught him from a young age to always be afraid a few examples "that man you saw at the store could have had a gun on him" or "Someone could take you without anyone knowing and you would die alone" and much much more now years of abuse and his mothers paranoid actions had taken a toll on Quintin he didn't have any friends but he did make one he had become friends
11.08.2022 16:58
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With a boy from his neighborhood after 2 years he was now 14 he found himself having feelings for the other boy but sadly the boy didn't like him back in fact when he found out quintin liked him that way he and his group of friends bullied him for it quintin ran home heart broken and beaten he opened the door to his mother holding something wrapped up in a blanket he said "mother what is that?" "Take a look"*quintin went over and moved the blanket a little to find a small baby bunny inside his eyes lit up with joy he took the small thing from his mother "can we keep him please" his mother noticed that he was actually happy instead of returning home with a sad look on his face she agreed quintin later named the rabbit Charlie who he loved with all his heart one time they took him to a place to care for animals he saw what the doctors there did and he fell in love with the job at 15 he vowed that he would grow up to care for animals through he knew his paranoia would definitely get in the way of his dream so
11.08.2022 17:05
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He decided to when he got older save up enough money to get a big house but when he was telling his mother this plan she told him that her mother had been a very rich woman and that she had never used the money that she left her quintin was a bit confused until his birthday came up the now sixteen year old boy was given a will from his mother saying that when she died he would get the money he was so happy he cried and hugged her quintin wasn't excited for his mother's death for she was the only family he had left but when he finally turned 20 he had built a small business in there home and had earned some money working some how his mother has gotten a disease they weren't able to cure and passed away shortly in the hospital quintin was so devastating and depressed that he locked himself inside the house it took him months of think that this was not what his mother wanted so he got up and got to work he eventually bought himself a big house so he could fit in the animals that he could care for and keep
11.08.2022 17:06
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He quickly got there with his now full grown friend Charlie and unpacked after a lot of work he hired a butler because he was too afraid to even try and open the door now his business was a huge success and he made lots of money but he felt lonely after years he finally turned 30 that's when it happened
11.08.2022 17:14
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He heard his doorbell ding the butler who he had become good friends with nodded after a little while he came back with a package quintin was about to reach for a knife but his paranoia got the best of him and he quickly took his hand away and carefully put the knife away with shaking hands he whistled and one of his cats came over and jumped on the desk he pet the cat and asked it to open the box for him which had tape on it the cat used its claws and cut it open jumping down quintin carefully opened it with the look of Slight fear things that could be in it flew through his head he quickly shook the thoughts away and opened it quickly to find a radio he raised a eye brow and took it out "perry did you order this?" The butler(perry) shook his head quintin turned it on and the normal music and talk shows came out he dismissed perry and continued listening to it after awhile the music stopped suddenly quintin looked up from his papers the radio suddenly spoke "hey pal you seem kinda sad"quintin dropped his pen
11.08.2022 17:19
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"A are you talking to me?" "Sure am pal" Quintins jaw dropped "o oh god it this the government!?" The man on the radio just laughed "no Friend I'm ot tye government I'm just here to give you a gift!" Quintin was confused "what kinda of gift?" "Hmm whatever you want I can do" quintin throught his dream was to become part of a animal so he could understand them better so he asked "can you fuse me with a animal?" The radio was silent "sure can pal just choose a animal from you big stock and I can do it....choose wisely once done theres no take backs of course there is a price..." quintin quickly jumped up "what kind of price?" The radio man just laughed and said you'll see quintin said ok and quickly ran off into the room of animals the possibility if fused with with bird one could fly or maybe a mouse he kept thinking until he stopped at Charlie's cage he thought ''this won't kill him right? Well at least we'll be together forever?'' He then scooped the rabbit up holding him gently he took him back to the r
11.08.2022 17:25
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Radio "that's the one?" "Yes sir" "Alrighty pal" Before quintin could ask what the price was he was blinded by a flurry of shadows and soon lost consciousness he woke up in a grassy place surrounded with trees he looked around at the birds and other strange animals near him he quickly got up to feel that his legs didn't feel the same he looked down to see that his legs were bent and rabbit like he gasped in surprise he suddenly felt like he could hear and smell anything but once he realized he wasn't home anymore he screamed and frantically looked around until he bumped right into someone he opened his eyes to see a black haired man who's hair was in the shape of a w the man held his hand out "are you alright" quintin took his hand and felt his face heat up slightly "y yes sir im quiet alright uh im quintin what's your name and we're am i" "Slow down you look like you just got here but my names wilson" "What do you mean I just got here" wilson proceeded to explain where he was and quintin explained how
11.08.2022 17:27
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He got here wilson sighed in anger "God damn it maxwell your praying on vets now anyways you should come back to base with me don't wanna stay out to long" "A and why is that" "Well to put it simple your not going home anytime soon..." And that lady's and gentle men is quintins backstory!
11.08.2022 17:29
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