- create flipbook animations online!
Just... Pick.. Up.. The.. Pin
13.10.2019 20:44
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Hi, I used to self harm, I've stopped. No actual self harm-er would post stuff like this, UNLESS it is for attention. You, my friend, are doing this for attention. It is one thing to vent, it is another thing to post a drawing of a arm with cuts on it, along with what I assume is a pin (from what the title says.) without any warning. As I can tell, you are frequently posting stuff like this going "Woe is me." Cutting/Self Harm is a serious thing and is not a joke. If you are going through a hard time, then I am sorry but if you are going to cut and show it off on the internet, this is bad and it shows that you are wanting attention. Self Harm/Depression is not a aesthetic. If you need help, ask for it. It is okay to ask for help. If you are faking this just for attention, then that is seriously ****ed up and not funny.
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