"Well, well!"
Vermilion roof scene
undertale 6 - comedian-comment
Queen of..
Mkainmg a song!
21.05.2019 01:17
Linkhere's the lyrics...
21.05.2019 01:23
LinkHey! This song may be short but.., Hey! There's somethin' I need to say! So please, listen to this song for.. Me! But there is some troubles you can't fix.... but that all will be okay! So, hey! I just wanted to say! That no matter what from this day on I will love you for eternity! So hey! Listen to me! There is something I need to clear up with you.... so my troubles... are bad but... stay with me! Please don't leave, baby..... So I just wanted to say...... Hey!
21.05.2019 01:24
Linkthey need clearing up but my cousin made these with me so these are the base lyrics to start with.. i may change the order later but yeetus