my dream was weird af lmt
05.10.2020 14:37
Linki was just walking in a black room with a slit of light then i heard whispers as i was walking they were saying "follow the light" "don't loose the grip of this world" "don't loose her" "keep running" "keep following" then it got weird.... "her cries so solemn yet beautiful" "listen to the music" then there was ballet music "follow it now" then the whispers weren't soft now they were screeching as if in pain "you don't belong here" "RUN NOW" "you're losing your grip" "you can save something else" then a force pushed me down and i felt breathing on my neck i looked up and there was a girl going "leave us be you can save something else" and i have had this dream three nights in a row what does it mean?
05.10.2020 14:39
Linkand then the darkness swallowed me and then the dream ends