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Europe is GAY Map (lmt)
11.01.2021 13:56
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You can have AS MANY PARTS AS U WANT, but u can't have more than 5
11.01.2021 14:09
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Part Intro. *EPOIC OPENING* Part 1. Germany's the place where GAYness lives, everyone in England's into kids Part 2. Everyone you meet in Europe is stupid, it's good shit Part 3. Nobody respects the Frenches, nobody knows what the Welsh is Part 4. Nobody goes to Wales cause, it sucks. Can we just Part 5. FINISH FINISH all the f*cking FINNISH off, and talke all of their FISH with us, I don't like them very much. Part 6. Atleast they aren't the SWISS SWISS, all so f*cking RICH RICH, go to war you B*TCH B*TCH. Part 7. Don't know much but I know this... THE NETHERLANDS GAAAAAYYY, But not as much as SWEDEN is and NORWAY Part 8. Who's not as gay as the Danes, Luxembourg sounds like it is someone's name Part 9. Who's very GAAAAAYYY, The men in Iceland are getting boned, Everyday. Part 10. Cause they love letting men come in their faces, they do everyday. Part 11. Nothing is good about Belarus, everyone in Georgia's into dudes Part 12. What's the best place to receive nudes? It's the EU. Croatains are f*c
11.01.2021 14:20
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Part 13. The Asians took over Belgium, No one knows about Kosovo, why they mad? I don't know. Part 14. Cyprus is shit, and so is Monaco. Why don't Montenegro, change their name it's so racist. Part 15. And the Polish are are GIMPS GIMPS, Irish are all CHIMPS CHIMPS, Austrians throw SHRIMP SHRIMP Part 16. On the BARBIE, I just know... THE NETHERLANDS GAAAAAYYY, but not as much as Holland is everyday Part 17. They do whatever is GAAAAAYYY, Latvia's even gayer than Ukraine, because Slovenia's GAAAAAYYY Part 18. Or was it Slovakia? Who really knows, Bulgaria's GAAAAAYYY. Bosnia and Herzegovina have AIDS. Part 19. So do Albains. Portugal isn't into girls, everyone in Hungary is hungry for a set of balls. Part 20. Kazakhstan is full of gay Kazakhs. Lichtenstein sounds like a Jewish guy, who really loves COCKS. Part 21. And up in Turkey, they're f*cking Armenia with the help of Greece. Greece is gayer than the average Estoni Part 22. and Italy is like Bulgaria, but GAYER than the San Marines.
11.01.2021 14:26
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Part 23. Azerbaijan finds GAY things really fun, Moldova always bends over for the Maltanis. Part 24. But none of these are gayer than Vatican City. GAAAAAYYY, Czech Republic is GAYER than Lithuania. Part 25. Which is GAYER than Spain. The moniker for Monaco is, "We're GAAAAAYYY" Part 26. Andorra is GAAAAAYYY, Romania's GAY but Macedonia is GAYER than Part 27. F*cking Russia is GAYER than all those places, it's full of apes. Here is the song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iLPi8Vq6RO4
11.01.2021 13:57
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lol i dont think i can do maps..
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