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the runaway final episode
07.08.2020 14:23
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During the truck chase Craig starts shooting and kills 14 drivers in total and now his 50 cal sniper is jammed. Craig-noo is jammed. Tyler-that means you can’t fire anymore. Craig-yes. Nanase-well were screwed! Craig-heck i forget to bring extra ammo clips for my m9. Tyler-were gonna DIE!!! Craig-we just pray that we live. Nanase-i am a bit religious but how is that gonna help! Craig-i don’t know,we pray to god that we live. Tyler-i don’t think that will help. Craig-yeah i guess. But then the truck crashed. Chris-were in the neighborhood and we must run! Then Chris,Ashley,Craig,Tyler and Nanase start running while some henchmen hop off and start shooting at them while some stay in the truck while the trucks are still moving toward them! Then as they get to the neighborhood,a lot of citizens get killed while the neighbors are calling the cops while the citizens that are alive try to run or hide. Then meanwhile on the police station. Policemen-sarge we got a serious situation. Sarge-report.
07.08.2020 14:24
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Policemen-somebody say that there is a shooting in this neighborhood chasing 5 people with a lot of people with guns and 45 trucks with more people with weapons. Sarge-oh god we need the swat and the fbi team with us! Then back to Chris,Ashley,nanase,tyler and craig still running. Chris-good thing that these bullets are not hitting us. Nanase-i think they have bad aim! Then the police,swat and fbi came. Sarge-alright let's take them down. So the swat defends the other swat,fbi and the police because the swat team is armed with a riot helmet and shield starts shooting at the henchmen while hench shoots back. Korean henchmen-oh god is no use, my pump action shotgun is jammed. Australian henchmen-we just hope we won’t get kil- Then that australian henchmen got shot by the sarge while chris,tyler,nanase,ashley and craig hop into 1 of the buses on the back. Nanase-man I hope we're safe but what bus is this. Craig decided to look at what this bus is,it was an airport bus.
07.08.2020 14:25
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Craig-it looks like it is a bus that will take us to the airport. Tyler-that will probably get us out of here. Then Craig talks on his walkie talkie. Craig-err boss which airport so where the rescue squad is? Boss-well craig where are you? Craig-summerfield neighborhood. Boss-well that is the right place since the neighborhood you're at has an airport so the rescue squad should pick you up. Craig-ok now see you back to the base. Boss-ok. Then 14 minutes later they made it to the airport. Craig-ok guys we had to sneak by to get to the airplane section since I need to get back to my hidden underground base. Tyler-alright. Then they sneak all the way to the plane section. Craig-well were here at least the security didn’t found out,the rescue squad should be coming- Before Craig continues, a dead body landed next to them. Chris-ummmm. Ashley-what the. Tyler-this is not right. Nanase-who killed this innocent dude. Craig-err guys we may have a problem.
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07.08.2020 14:26
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Then 8 monster trucks came by with 8 more dead bodies falling to the ground,it was the henchmens but they had riot helmets,shields and extra weapons and ammunition. Craig-i guess the police,swat and the fbi failed. Then they all start running while bullets start showering at them but all missed. Korean henchmen-oh god why do they always dodge our incoming bullet fire. French henchmen-yeah i don’t know why but keep firing. Then eventually there was a helicopter which looked like a military chopper going down. Craig-IS THE RESCUE! Then they approach the helicopter. Co-pilot-QUICK GET IN!!!! Then they got in the helicopter but while Craig tried to get in,a bullet landed in Craig's left leg. Craig-ouch! Then the co pilot pulls Craig up then they helicopter then flies up. Co-pilot-here craig,first aid kit,there’s bandages. Craig-i know. But they hear bullets hitting the helicopter. Czech man-come on guys gun down the helicopter!!! Pilot-here use this to get rid of them.
07.08.2020 14:26
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The pilot handed Craig a LMG. Craig-ok. Then Craig starts firing at them only killing half the henchmen while the one that survived hid somewhere around the monster truck or they got a riot shield to block the bullets. Candian man-crap there firing back! Co-pilot-this is not getting the job done here. Then the co-pilot tosses a stick grenade to Chris then Chris tosses the stick grenade onto 1 of the monster trucks then half of the henchmen live. Co-pilot-that was the only one,use this bad boy. Then co-pilot gave Nanase a grenade launcher which had 1 last explosive,so nanase fired and killed all the henchmen. Pilot-well that was a close one. Tyler-yes. Co-pilot-anyway who are you guys? Chris-i’m chris. Tyler-tyler. Nanase-nanase,because I was born in Yokohama,japan. Ashley-i am ashley. Pilot-well I'm nick. Co-pilot-i will tell you my name when me and my co workers get back to the base. Nick-anyways where do you guys wanna go? Chris-tornoto canada,me,my best friend and my girlfriend's home tow
07.08.2020 14:27
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Co-pilot-oh surprisingly that is where our base is! Ashley-oh well that was a coincidence!? Nick-i don’t think it was a coincidence. Chris-i don’t know if Ronaldo survived. Nick-who’s ronaldo? Chris-well he did work with Mr.Smith but he joined our side and i don’t know did he made it out alive? Tyler-i think he is pretty much dead. Chris-yeah and Ronaldo,Ian and Marissa do not deserve to die yet,they deserve to come with us! Nick-who’s Ian and marissa? Nanase-well ian is a pimp because he did tell us he sells stuff and got which i don’t know how i call this and marissa well she helped us survive the club fight. Nick-oh yeah i heard that night club fight on the news,yesterday. Chris-yeah i also got into a bar fight while tyler was there,we both survived and got arrested and me and tyler got to jail,nanase was there and survived and escaped a prison riot and survived a train crash. Nick-IMPRESSIVE,THOSE WERE IN THE NEWS TOO. Chris-yeah and also in the bar fight we were fighting some mafia
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07.08.2020 14:27
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members and the biker gangs were on our side. Co-pilot-COOL!!! Nick-and not cool if you guys didn’t survive that bar fight,prison riot,train crash and that recent club fight. Craig-also chris,tyler,nanase and ashley,we are secret agent and what we do,we help the government and we actually work with the president and our goals is to take down the bad,steal stuff what people planned to do like take over las vegas for example and many more! Tyler-i don’t know is the facility which is mr.smith facility for capturing people like us,is it still there. Nick-yes but we blow it up already before you guys get to the airport. Earlier before chris,tyler,ashley,nanase and craig gets to the airport,4 fighters jet flew by the facility and dropping 6 missiles each not strong and not weak just a bit strong and weak in the same time,right it before destroy the facility,all the henchmen are trying to gun down all the captured people trying escape,while the missile blow up the facility,all the henchmen and a quarter of
07.08.2020 14:28
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people that were captured dies,but half of the captured people that escaped and not close to the explosion survived and runs away to safety. BACK TO THE PRESENT. Co-pilot-anyways maybe you guys could stay in our motel room,get some food and entertainment while we will drop you guys back to your house. Tyler-actually me and nanase were going to visit chris house for like 5 weeks i forgot? Ashley-well i was gonna be in chris house for 2 weeks. Nick-anyways lets head back to the base. Then as they flew all the way to toronto canada while there was 1 somebody mostly wounded it was mr.smith assistant/older adopted brother and seemed about to become an elder. Mr.smith brother-you have not seen the last of us Chris,we're gonna come back and we will make your life miserable! Then Mr.Smith's older adopted brother dies from blood lost as his dead body falls down to a pit and lands on a puddle of mud. END
07.08.2020 14:28
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13.08.2020 21:52
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The runaway Episode 10/final episode escape Cast-chris,tyler,nanase,ashley,craig,sally,john,nick. Date-7-18-2017 10:34 AM
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