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(ultraman 66 ep5 review)
17.12.2020 05:47
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this episode features a returning foe from the showa ultraman series named takkong! who one day comes out of the ground and "starts" rampaging for no reason what so ever! ultraman 66 arrives to yada yada yada you already go's on from here. the plot is good besides a few hiccups because of the the monster witch takkong is okay for the most part but it's almost like takkongs role was intended for a another monster? like i said takkongs role in this episode is really shoehorned in for very noticeable reasons. apart from a few hiccups from the plot effects where average to say the least but props for me adding some character development to 66 in finding out that ultraman tiga is ultraman 66 adopted father. in all at all this was a okay episode witch i'd like for you watch if you're intrested so in all at all this was a genaraly a good episode is you can sit through a bad plot moment in this episode so you can skip if needed but i hope you will stick o around for this one.(THANKS FOR WATCHING!)
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