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Chapter 8-
04.04.2021 15:40
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THE DAGGER FLEW through the water with astounding speed. Polyp was terrified for the split second she had left to live. When she opened her eyes, she found that the room was silent, and everyone looked like they had just seen a ghost. “W-what h-happened?” Polyp looked around, and finally down to see a thousand little pieces of the royal advisor’s blade. Polyp hadn’t dared used the object before, but the object seemed to be able to grant anyone’s wishes… and likely give animus powers. Polyp knew she couldn’t keep it… but something inside told her to keep it. Something told her to take control. It is yours… DON”T LISTEN TO IT! Polyp heard the voice of her great great great idk great grandfather echo in her mind. The young SeaWing felt both powerful and tiny. She held the most powerful object in Pyrrhia.
04.04.2021 15:40
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“Cerith! You take it! You need it more than I!” Polyp thrust the animus scale of Albatross into Cerith’s claws. “Polyp, you keep it until we can destroy it. Try to un-enchant it or something.” Cerith commanded. Five dragons then walked up to Isthmus, who could not move, whether because of awe or anger, they will never know. He was locked in the most secure of the Summer Palace’s prison cells. Polyp, Cerith, and Trench gathered that night to discuss the object. “We need to destroy it.” Cerith said. “I agree with her Majesty, it would be wisest to destroy it. Besides, you are an animus Polyp, so it doesn’t offer much that you don’t already have.” Trench said. Polyp agreed. They first tried to take the enchantment off, but to no avail. Eventually it was cast into an underwater volcano near Cey’s Cove.
04.04.2021 15:40
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The next few days were spent cleaning up. Polyp used her animus to fix the Summer Palace, Trench and Cero stayed at the healers, and Cerith took her mother’s place as queen of the SeaWings, although she did not know very much about running a kingdom. As soon as he could, Trench darted home to see his cousins, who had been alone for much too long. “Trench!” they all screamed and dragged him deeper into the cave. While Trench was away, they three dragonets had tried their best to make a gift for Trench and Polyp. “We made this for you.” the youngest held up a silver helmet. “Why thank you! It fits perfectly!” Trench put it on, although there was no way the could have made it themselves.
04.04.2021 15:40
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They had given Polyp a ‘day off’ from keeping the cave clean and did their best to clean up the pieces of coral they used as toys (although Trench did step on a particularly sharp one while trying to get to the palace the next morning). Trench met Queen Cerith at the feasting level of the Summer Palace. She was going to hold a feast in remembrance for Coral that night. “Good Morning your Majesty, how might I be of assistance or tonight’s feast?” Trench asked with a bow. “Well, you could greet the guests.” Cerith said. “W-what? N-not guard?” Trench asked.”No, I think you would do better to greet instead of guard.” Cerith said. “Yes your Majesty.” Trench saluted her and walked by.
04.04.2021 15:41
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The guard did do well as a greeter. Almost the entire kingdom was invited, as well as a few friends of Coral. The feast was huge, there was all kinds of food from everywhere- even a whale. After everyone ate, all of Coral’s scrolls were read aloud by Cerith. The guests very much enjoyed the feast and the stories. “What a wonderful feast, and the Summer Palace- it looks better than ever.” a NightWing ambassador said. “Yes, and the scroll reading was particularly interesting.” Queen Glory added sarcastically. “Yeah the old Summer Palace, that path led to her roo- I mean that path led to such happiness, seeing her under the- I mean, in all her grace .” an IceWing friend of Coral said. You disgust me… echoed the thoughts of a powerful NightWing in the IceWing’s head. “I’m glad you found it enjoyable, I tried hard to make it perfect.” Cerith said.
04.04.2021 15:41
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After the feast Trench and a few other guards approached Cerith, who was bidding farewell to the other queens. “Your Majesty- uh… on behalf of us guards… uh… could you please… *gulp* go a bit easier on us… like, not scream and yell, we try our very best to do your Majesty’s will and are loyal to the end, but y-your servants-s would just like to r-request some s- softer treatment… once in a while.” Trench was the least scared out of all the guards, but he was still nervous.
04.04.2021 15:41
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Cerith smiled at the bowing guards. “Get up you.” Cerith raised Trench’s head and kissed him. “Oh Trench, of course the guards will be treated better, but that is no excuse for slacking.” she looked at the grinning guards, who swore they wouldn’t think of it. “And as for you Trench, in honor of your bravery and service to me, I am putting you on the council. ” Trench looked at her. “Y-your Majesty! I-I- I don’t know what to say! Greatest of thanks, your Majesty.” Trench stuttered. “You shall have the role of Justice, as he has recently passed in the battle. And you shall be my advisor.” Cerith kissed him again. He turned pink. All the guards cheered and were sent to their posts.
04.04.2021 15:41
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Just then a century ran up. “Your Majesty! The prisoner Isthmus has escaped!” the guard panted. “Where is he?” the worried queen asked. “He’s heading to the deep palace now.” Cerith and Trench looked at each other. They both flew away in search of the escaped Isthmus. They eventually found him in the IceWing’s quarters although he was not there at the time. Cero had Isthmus in a choke hold and would have killed him if Cerith hadn’t yelled “STOP!” before he did. Cero let go and growled at Isthmus as he walked away. Cerith marched up to him, her silver, pearl- embedded tiara shining in the dim light. “Cerith! Hehe... how have you been?” Isthmus cowered.
04.04.2021 15:42
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“Well hello there Isthmus!” she stabbed him in the chest. He looked at her with sorrowful eyes. “That’s for killing my mother.” she quickly moved the blade upward, slicing his whole neck open. She grabbed him so that his lifeless eyes stared into hers. “And that’s queen Cerith to you.” she dropped him. “And as for you Cero…” the queen turned to Cero. He bowed calmly, the ragged fire once more leaving his eyes. ‘You can go on living in my kingdom, but we will be watching you.” Cerith held out her claw in which a thin thread of silver sat. “I meant to give this to you at the feast, but we couldn’t find you.” Cerith helped Cero up. He did not notice the small thread of silver slither up to his leg and tightly wrap itself around his leg. Cero smiled. Cero went on to become a teacher at the dragonet school and started calling others an ‘Isthmus’ whenever they did something wrong. It has been a saying among the guards of the palace in particular ever since.
04.04.2021 15:42
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Queen Cerith finished the construction of her mother’s new Island Palace and held a great feast for its completion. Trench became a fantastic advisor and justice, yet he never once called Cerith by her name. Polyp wrote scrolls about her witness of this historical event. About one year after the construction of the new Island Palace the first royal wedding was held in its courts. The nervous SeaWing stared at his royal bride with awe. She was covered in strings of pearl and silver decorations. He took a deep breath and walked up to her, wearing a very thin gold crown with three shark teeth embedded in it, as well as two gold bands on his legs. “Your Majesty- you look beautiful!” gaped the nervous SeaWing. “So do you, my Trench. And please, call me Cerith.” the queen smiled. “All right, Cerith.” Trench kissed her. Everyone cheered.
04.04.2021 15:42
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They then had a huge part afterward in which many dragons participated. Cerith and Trench got so many congratulations that they could barely get a chance to eat. Even Cero came, who had begun to like Polyp. They became good friends with some of the other queens and did many great things for the kingdom.
04.04.2021 15:43
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ight ik the art is lazy and this was the last chapter- let me kno if u all want the epilogue-
04.04.2021 16:35
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This is amazing i rly wanna try something like this ur writting is on point
05.04.2021 01:29
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