Step by Step Origami Crane 2.0
Fox In The Snow (Request)
cat ears【猫耳朵qq2343979678
to those who need it.
24.04.2020 02:18
Linkso, you're feeling down? you feel like ur not good enough? well let me stop you right there, see thats your first problem, your giving yourself this expectation that you need to be to a certain degree for other people, don't have that mindset, doing so will only make YOU live in a world we're your mentally comparing yourself to other people, more then likely those thoughts will be negative. i wanna let you know that you matter, really! no lying, no games, nuthin, you matter! what you bring to this world, although you might not know yet, will impact in SO many ways..YOU impact people, and you don't even know it. you feel trapped? you feel like the situation you're in will stay that way forever? i promise you it wont. i don't know your story, nor am i saying i do, but theres a light at the end of the tunnel..stop now you'll never get to see it. to my fellow're so ****ING creative
24.04.2020 02:19
Linklike god damn, who cares if your "art is bad"??? who said that this is the end of the road?? that you'll never keep improving?? i'll tell ya what, those assholes who pick on you bc your not up to their "level"? are nothin more then a bunch of pinheads. tell me THEIR art was always "god like". Don't let people put you down, don't let them WIN. you're better then that, i know you are. know that there is ALWAYS room for whom ever reads this, male, female, straight, gay, left or right, religious or not, know that you matter, hell i'll go as far as to say i KNOW you matter, how the hell am i supposed to call u freaking amazing if ur not here for me to tell you?? ughhh your talented!, and amazing! and, and just freaking epic!! if you ever need a little bit of a boost, let this post post be here to remind urself that ur an amazing. remember it was YOU who won the race to life, ur here for a reason, show the world what ur made of! make something that can change the modern day, be you! be amazing!
24.04.2020 02:20
Linkyour a spark in a dark room, so keep igniting
later people, god bless, stay safe and matter :thumbsup:
Yea you NEVER have to feel inferior to anyone because YOU matter! DONT sacrifice you to help someone out if it will hurt you and your mental help more than it will help them! You may be important to someone, heck I KNOW your very important to someone but you have to keep in mind as well YOU are only PART of their LIFE! Just like others are to you. And know that YOU should be the MOST IMPORTANT thing to YOU. Never let yourself believe that you aren’t worthy of that, love, respect, and what ever else! You are worthy of and deserve these things just by EXISTING and don’t let ANYONE make you think otherwise! YOU ARE LOVED, WANTED, AND NEEDED AND DESERVE SO SO MUCH. I might not know you well but I CARE for you and would NEVER turn my back on you if a stranger cares about you more than someone in your life they may be dragging you down and don’t deserve you! I love you and take care! Stay safe!