For a contest :P
11.07.2019 01:46
Link This week they launched a new effort to end Obama-era rules in Alaska that banned trophy hunters from gunning down wolf pups in their dens and baiting bears so they can be shot.
11.07.2019 01:47
Linktrump kills wolf pups Give Me 5 Reasons You like him
11.07.2019 01:48
Trump's Latest Assault on Alaska's Wolves and Bears
Trump's wildlife thrill-killers are at it again. This week they launched a new effort to end Obama-era rules in Alaska that banned trophy hunters from gunning down wolf pups in their dens and baiting bears so they can be shot.
The new rule will turn places like Denali National Park and Preserve into a killing field. It's an awful expansion of the kind of trophy hunts Trump implemented in Alaska a few days after he took office. Once again the Center for Biological Diversity will fight back.
"Cruel and harmful hunting methods like killing bear cubs and their mothers near dens have no place in our national reserves," said the Center's Collette Adkins.
11.07.2019 04:44
LinkHE HATES WOLVES?!?!?!?!?!?!??! ToT
12.07.2019 01:33
Linku brah