ifollowcuties in a nutshell


18.04.2022 14:17
Linkimagine laughing at people for life being a dick to them
imagine your "apology" post being just a huge "OMNG YOU DID THIS 2 ME YOURE ALL BADF HORRIBLE SCUMBAGSN OMG"
imagine causing meaningless drama
imagine just being a piss baby
maybe if you dont want drama dont start it

18.04.2022 14:18
Linkjust because you have probable mental issues doesnt mean being a genuine shit hole to people is okay
you are responsible for your actions
if you are going to be like this
dont put yourself around people who are easily affected by it

They told ppl to get r@aped, Kts, and sent random gore to ppl 🥰🥰
Like no
No one can blame that on " I have issues 💔💔😔😔"
Hunny I'm literally so unstable but ik not to say and do shit like that 😍

I was upset one time cause I got diagnosed with something I knew I had but wish I didnt have and they basically said "get over it others have it worse"