- create flipbook animations online!
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15.10.2020 12:47
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alright so i didnt make this to "mock" fan/sketchfloof . i made it az a joke to make fun of callout postz on me bc theyll all just bringing up old, outdated, false assumptionz, or false info about me. like i understand i did do some shitty stuff but like itz all mostly in the past. and some of the shit on the doc, for example, iz assumption. like me copying dasih'z human paintbrush. thatz just a (very false) assumption. like i get it, theyre simallar, but when i made mine i didnt know dasih had already made one. and i waz at a place with no wifi when i first dezigned my human paintbrush dezign. my first ref of them waz made on a piece of printer paper at my papz house who haz no wifi and when i did copy/reclaim characterz in the past i alwayz looked up the character i waz copying az a reference so i can heavily reference it. so even if i did know abt dasihz human paintbrush dezign i wouldntve been able to copy it anyway. and i waznt mocking fan with it. i waz mocking the drama and callout postz on me
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