Bouncy kit

Request from Catarie!

sour orange

only a little bit crazy

Princess Celestia


Some issues on my end...


27.06.2024 17:11
LinkOK, so I know that no one is rlly wondering "why am I not on?" "Why won't I finish those WIPs I have?" Etc etc....
Simple answer---γ I don't have my iPad with me, and I'm not very energetic right now. With the added bonus of I've already been booted off like, 2 times

27.06.2024 17:13
LinkI will have the motivation to get my ADHD ass in gear once I have my iPad, I swear, plus, I will also be hopefully making some special little treats that I would start crying if FA actually saw them, because in my head, it relates to him... but it's not an attention grab π

27.06.2024 17:14
LinkWelp... thanks for listening to my Ted talk β’[/βΓβ/]β’

27.06.2024 17:29
LinkAny questions I'd be willing to answer just to get that out π