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i love being sick
16.09.2021 14:59
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Raven doesn't, Cause my weak immune system and me literally going to the hospital for a common cold Yeah. that happened. Anyways being sick is cool cause I don't like school
16.09.2021 15:04
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Bruh Ravens a nice person who didn't deserve to die. he only killed because he knew there was no cure or any way to cure the people. he'd rather have them die than suffer. he helped me with covid :l How else am I supposed to explain losing the temperature 104 in a day? after to dreams of death he saved me in the second dream and then disappeared for like 2 months. Buhuhuh
16.09.2021 15:28
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Literally Raven doesn't like me getting sick at all. I do but I don't want him to leave again. I mean I'd rather die than him help me. I don't like to be a problem, Or annoy people. but that seems to be all I do. buh Nothing feels real. I don't feel real I don't even remember being sad or happy Its all just confusing I'd laugh, or have a good conversation with someone and I'd turn around with a straight face as if I never smiled. Sometimes, I'd feel like everyone's life would be better if I never woke up. I notice that all I do is make problems. What happened to me though?
16.09.2021 15:59
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Dream 1, Running away from black inky human figures wearing animal skulls on a thin platform spreading out in different directions, then me falling off and Raven saying "It's ok, Everything will be alright." Dream 2, Running away from a smoke that would suffocate you, it could go through anything and could kill you in a matter of seconds. My family was trying to drive away in a car, Because for some reason we were in California, and the smoke would travel faster in warm air, so we were trying to get somewhere in the upper states. We crashed and I ended up at a park by a carnival. I was by a ladder and I was suffocating. Raven came by and gave me his mask and then disappeared. (Idk why but the only thing that would stop it was his mask) So I was fine. (Later after the dream I remembered that Raven traveled in the mask, Whoever wore it, He would be able to control.) After that dream, My temperature was back to normal... but Raven left for a while.
16.09.2021 16:14
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Raven didn't deserve to die he probably got Meningitis or something I'm not sure he doesn't know either All we know is that he got sick hhh 23 though tbh, dying at 23 is too young and I feel really bad for him A lot has happened to him Accidentally killing his brother (Theodore was 6, Raven was 11(he hates to hear the name Theodore, so I'm hesitant typing this)) family either died or never cared for him, I don't know he never says anything about them and I never bring that topic up and dying at 23.
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