Everyone is talking about it
scribble morty walk cycle
Dog Run Cycle
I Have Eyes!
08.03.2022 20:55
Linki was on vroid again **** you
08.03.2022 21:01
Linkanyways look at post before this im bored omg
I made you a present: few notes
-His hair is more true to color in person but my camera is picking up all the red
-People ask him all the time - why the long face?
-Sloppy is a style lol
-Wasn't exactly sure how his clothes work so I made it up
-Shirt is blue because watercolor and black don't jive
-Outlines are brown and black gel pen
I would mail it to you but idk if that's a good idea, I'll save it until I can if you want it.
Hahah, true I don't know him well!
I know, you're not quite into the technical side of art yet, it comes with age. I think I started becoming really interested in trying to make everything anatomically correct and super perfect when I was like 16 and it kinda drained my creativity. Then I started looking at different mediums around 20 and I'm getting my creativity back. That's the part that's hard to learn because anyone can be a robot and draw photorealistic celebrities or whatever boring crap if they really want to.
I like that your characters don't look like other people's characters and they all have backstories too. Always save your crappy old drawings, it will help in the future.
Lots of 'artists' just make things so they can have something pretty to impress others with. I was surprised people openly admit this when I joined art groups on FB. Like, damn, you really just spent 60 hrs drawing this for likes on social media???? I'd rather work a minimum wage job for 60 hours, lmao.
Errrr as for painting. I love watercolor. It cheaper, its easier to set up, and works better with sketches. I like that it feels so casual because I only get like 1-2 hours to do art at a time so I hate setting up shit. I wish I had a watercolor set in highschool, you could totally just being your paint tray and a water bottle in your bookbag. Its a lot harder to control than acrylic but its not as flat and you can do some really neat tricks with watercolor. You can even mix a little acrylic with your watercolor to make a fake gouache. This is a lifesaver trick lol.
My little painting only took an hour for the actual paint step. Probably could have made it nicer if I didn't rush lol. I'm still a noob at most things. I realized a while ago I hate my art now because its not detailed enough so I got super small watercolor sketchbooks to help me focus on detail. So its like 5.5X8 inch paper