30.01.2022 16:06
LinkWhy hello there brand new friend, boy you sure are up late!
That just means the time we’ll spend together will be so great!
Oh I can’t wait to have fun!
So many good games to share!
Play with your new pal, The Sun!
In the superstar daycare!!!
Your my mostest bestest guest!
We’ll have one heck of a time!
Please try not to make a mess!
Instead lets go and climb!
In this imagination zone, we can go anywhere!!
We will never be alone, in the SUPERSTAR DAYCARE!!!
gosh your such a smarty, to have a slumber party!
Drink fizzyfaz till we EXPLODE!!
keeping spirits bright!!
I’ll put on a puppet show, it will be a wonderful sight!
Finger paint and GLITTER GLUE!!
to keep us up all night!!
But whatever you do…DONT TURN OFF THE LIGHTS!!!
wait new friend where are you going this area is off limits, NO!!!
30.01.2022 16:45
Linkkeep the lights on... on .. on