Poor and Rich
Fire Fight
the great dragon
Kitty uwuwowuwuwuwuwowuwowuwou
Void Arena
26.11.2018 05:30
LinkNeck is to scale
If you knew me you'd probably describe me as optimistic and kind hearted; btw this aren’t my words, my friends used this words to describe me in some school discussions. They’re not wrong, I mean this is the image I try to give off. Tbh, i’m by far the furthest thing from this things. I’m the most ****ed up person with the most ****ed thoughts.
The truth is my “optimism” and the ability sympathy come from ****ed up events, whether I do it to hide from it or to hide it from others is questionable. Tbh I can’t not be “nice” because I sympathy way too much with the people on the other side. The pleasant image I try to give off is of an unpleasant past and world.