- create flipbook animations online!
01.01.2023 07:04
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Chapter one Fia's heart raced as The headmaster chased her through the corridors and classrooms of Venice Italy's most prestigious school. When Fia got to the main exit (and only exit) she pushed open the steal doors with all her might. Fia felt the cold air hit her face and the smell of salt water and fish lingering in the morning air. She could hear The headmaster's pounding footsteps getting closer to her. And then she felt it the cold firm hand of the headmaster on her shoulder pulling her back into the school. But with unfavorable luck as Fia fought back. And eventually the headmaster gave up and let her go. And go she did. Fia ran and ran for miles till she couldn't anymore and so she walked.
01.01.2023 07:30
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Late into Fia's travels she stopped for the night underneath a tree. She took her brown worn out drawstring bag off her back. And put it in front of herself. She went through the bag taking out some stolen food. Actually everything in her bag was stolen. The food she stole from the kitchens. The clothes she stole from the laundry room. All of it was stolen from Epiphany Fia's boarding school. Epiphany was the home to either the very rich or the very intelligent. Fia being the later of the two. But unlike all of the students at Epiphany she didn't want to be there. She was forced to be because her last school through her out and her parents back in America shipped her off to the school.
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