

12.12.2019 05:41
LinkHello and yeah I'm back I guess??? but..Flipanim has been..kinda lonely here
New people wouldn't relate to this because They're new hahaha..
My drawings has been changing..because I've been thinking a lot about the drawing styles..which one to pick and keep it..but I guess not and I have been dissapointed this few years..This is not an vent don't worry! it doesn't have any self-harm things
I've just been laying in my bed thinking..Why am I not good enough?..I looked many art styles and they were better than me..I act like anime styles are so overrated but really I was jealous.
I'm very selfish and over-jealous person I know you wouldn't know it because I hid it very well I guess..I've been gone for a few weeks or months because well..I got bored of it..My friends..I don't really know them a lot and they know other peoples so well than I could have known them..It felt like I was pushed away from their conversation..But I didn't want to leave them..I felt so..useless when my friends are sad-

12.12.2019 05:44
LinkI wouldn't know how to handle these comfort friends thingy because..I just always think they're happy and think I'm the one who is in hell but really they're the one who been through a lot..And I felt selfish I would just try to comfort them..But all I did was hurting them..I don't even know how we became friends..I forgot their birthdays and to give them anything special to them...I guess I'm the one who is using them..I though I was the puppet but instead I was the one controlling them..I just wished I could restart again but heh..friends change don't they?

12.12.2019 05:45
LinkI'm sorry that you were uncomfortable reading this or confused you don't have to understand it..If people even care..

12.12.2019 05:58
LinkI hate to admit it..I lied about the self-harm things and I'm so sorry I've just been sad..and lonely..I guess I did that for attention.
I'm really sorry.
I understand that you are mad at me..I have no excuse that I'm not a liar but..I'm sorry I lied to you all.
I just thought..Nevermind It is my fault to make you all worried for me..for nothing I really never thought you all would worry for me..
and I felt so guilty I knew I lied to you all but reading the self-harm art's comment was really heartbreaking that you all cared about this selfish and disgusting liar..If you unfollow me I understand that you don't want to follow this horrible liar
I realized how much I lied to you all about the committing suicide..And I'm so sorry to all my followers.
An apology to all old followers who saw my fake committing suicide post.
Comment removed

12.12.2019 06:05
LinkSend your hate message..or any message please put it under my apology.

14.12.2019 16:43
LinkIt's okay- i didn't really see anything. I think you are an amazing person with an amazing art style! you have a lot of bravery for apologizing to everyone! good job, I'm really proud of you! (also- *hUGs*)

04.01.2020 16:13
Link;w; Thank you! (*HuGs bAck*)