Ask to join :P


03.02.2018 02:55
Linkcan i join please??

03.02.2018 02:55
LinkMay I join pls

03.02.2018 02:58
Linkmay i join

*The local news comes on for everyone who is currently watching television. It
shows a police officer, in front of a house condemned with police tap.*
"- A live broadcast, right now only on Live News Station...- Small child found amidst what appears to be the murder of a lizard woman...- Photo of family found on table, indicating the father might be the culprit..-"
*Then is views on a police officer, holding a small child.*
"Small child was abandoned to survive on it's own, if you can provide any information on the location of this man" *holds up photo* "Or are willing to adopt this child, please call the police department at *says telephone number, before the news goes off.*

(its like a walk in hospital, for when its not an emergency)
Jenna: *walks to the desk* hello
worker: hello, how may i help you
Jenna: we just rescued this kid off a murder scene, I’m just here for a routine trauma and health check up, you never know with these cases. just needing a long term treatment plan and such.
worker: alright, the doctor will be with you shortly (you can be the doctor)

(i like the name carver. had a guy with the same name in another roleplay on a different site months ago, and it was one of my most memorable and fav rp characters :P)
Dr.Carver: "Alright, sit down." *They say, pointing to a hospital-like bed, as they sit down on a sliding stool.* "Dr.Macwell will check his physical state first."