explaining myself/wIdwId
09.07.2021 16:30
Link*why I do what I do*
09.07.2021 16:31
LinkThis is going to go back wayy into early 2019
be warned
09.07.2021 16:37
LinkStarting off with stuff I do now, harmless stuff.
I draw myself as a child now due to my childish mentality, no childhood, and the thought that no one would hurt/abuse/assault a child. It makes me feel safe. My dad came to show that people are heartless enough to do such things to a child, some worse, and it's sickening.
Rounder/bigger the eyes = more innocent to me
Also no, I'm not a girl just to clarify-
Shitpost: this speaks for itself, if I have something on my mind well, getting it off my chest with a shitpost usually helps!
More shitty things I do:
Joke art/insensitive art: I need to work on what *I* find funny, because it ends up being harmful
Call out posts: I NEVER mean ill intent, I usually make these to call out what someone's done that is racist/lgbtq+phobic,p/d/philia and etc
The more important the callout, the better the art will be to MAKE the callout. I never mean for my friends to go out of there way to harass someone, ever, my most recent callout post was on Deadslayer84 and holy shi
09.07.2021 16:41
Link-t the things you guys commented was pretty awful.
Jokingly "bullying" or being kind of a b/tch: I have very low opinions on my self and my art, so by doing something to someone it makes me just hate myself both more and less??? Talking to my therapist on this, getting help for all or most of this stuff.
Opinions/Harmful opinions: Once again I never mean anything ill and it's just *my* personal opinion, but it CAN go to far, if any of my opinions go to far just tell me to calm down, I usually never yell at you over an opinion so there's no need to yell at me.
I felt the need to explain myself nothing pushed me to do this besides my own ill mannered actions.
09.07.2021 16:44
Linkanyway uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh who up playin with they worm