You have a Lovely Screen



its beck-o!!!

- Sochuri's Flight -


Fire Works
haha more info down below


09.01.2020 21:25

Okay cool, so my mom started this website and she's doing blogging now. She wants me to create a logo for her but I haven't yet, so I'm just making up ideas. It's mainly about the stress of Binge Eating and her side of the story. Check it out? Maybe follow my mom's blog? idk.
Before you ask...
No none of my family members have licked a fridge and we don't have a history of licking fridges.

It's about other stuff too, but it's just mainly about what I mentioned earlier. It's her latest pashion project and she says that she's finally putting her photography skills to good use because dang does she take great photos. She's not a professional photographer, but hey I'm not a professional artist.