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gonna ramble
15.12.2022 10:03
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was thinking about how the whole spirit and magic system works in TRV (The Red Void aka what i called the storyline of my ocs that live in Earth but furries n humans and normal animals too. basically the world that my boy Easter chills in.) and when i was going to have a little nap, i just started thinking. which is surprising cause usually i don't think at all. anyways, enough context now it's time for my rambles.
15.12.2022 10:15
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(some info is going to be intentionally left out, can't spoil the story ya know.) magic does not exist in the modern times as the magic system was destroyed in the middle of the medieval period. but it was only destroyed in the mortal realm. it was not destroyed in the other planes of existence, aka the afterlife. there are 4 types of spirit worlds in the afterlife, and where you end up depends on how you lived your life. The Damned is basically hell, and i would've called it hell if heaven existed in this world but basically, the baddies go there. the Spirit World is where most ghosties go, as it's in-between The Damned and The Dreamworld, you don't have to be bad nor good to end up here, it just has to be in-between. The Dreamworld is basically heaven but different, in The Dreamword, you're Godlike. you can do whatever in this realm. you may share your Dreamworld or keep it to yourself. You need to be goodie two shoes to end up here. Reincarnation is where you go back to the living world as a new perso
15.12.2022 10:24
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this is a choice. However, you must wait your turn to be reincarnated. Those who are in The Damned have to wait longer, if not, forever. now, with the magic system and how it still exists in these realities. without magic, the spirit worlds would not exist. the magic keeps The Damned spirits in line and in order. the magic in the Spirit World is in the world itself and not the people. the magic in The Dreamworld is controlled by the people and the world itself. spirits who have been gifted or has powers, they can use them in the living world as they're still apart of their reality. The Red Void found a way to cheat the system and became a Dreamworld spirit, and with it's cursed nature, it invaded the living through the living. it wants revenge on the living world for how it was treated during it's life back in the 1300s. started to europe, now it's in good old australia. the revived sometimes keep their powers but it comes with weaknesses and deformities if that does happen. Easter's deformities is th
15.12.2022 10:30
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is the fact that some of his organs and body systems don't work (like his digestive one) or are absent (like the organs/systems down under). he is kept alive through the fact that he still has some connection with spirits because of The Red Void's presence and curse. yeah that's all i gotta say. i only just thought of this a few hours ago, so it's not very polished so it may have some plot holes and issues.
15.12.2022 12:07
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i am not reading all that 😭😭
15.12.2022 12:33
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then leave
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