A Wolf's Heart

p i n k

UnderWater Vew

Kitty 4 @ybnightmare nya~

fullmetal alchemist

something pretty that I made
Flower Reference Sheet


21.03.2021 06:16
Linkyuh!! i decided to redo flower's reference sheet cuz her other one was getting kinda old lol
Species: RainWing X NightWing (https://wingsoffire.fandom.com/wiki/RainWings, https://wingsoffire.fandom.com/wiki/NightWings)
Personality: Smart, has a lot of wit, sarcastic. Can be kind when needed
Likes: Rock music, EDM, spiked collars, her friends, pretty aesthetics
Dislikes: Dim-witted people/idiots, bad design
Flower is basically just me!! I'd prefer it if you didn't treat her like a character ^^!!
Her alternate design was based off some fanart one of my friends made me of flower (and wave and luxie), so credit to them for the alt design!!
I'd prefer it if you didn't base the way you draw her off my art stye and instead base it off the links I provided!! (https://wingsoffire.fandom.com/wiki/RainWings, https://wingsoffire.fandom.com/wiki/NightWings)
btw yes she is a wings of fire dragon, ik her design doesn't fit the anatomy of wof dragons but idc lol
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21.03.2021 06:16
Linkhere's her old reference sheet --->
oh! and she's straight!! i couldn't include it bc i ran out of space lol
btw her hex codes!!
Main Design:
Yellow: #FEEC00
Purple: #9B59B6
Pink: #F2D3FE
Bright red: #E64C3C
Dark red: #C0392B
Teeth/sclera (white of eyes): #FEFEFE
Horns: #000000 (Alt: #2C3E50)
Alternate Design:
Yellow: #EEE369
Pink: #F2D3FE
Light purple: #F2D3FE
Medium purple: #BCA0D2
Dark purple: #9D81B3
Red: #D6756B
Teeth/sclera (white of eyes): #FEFEFE
Horns: #252525

21.03.2021 10:50
Please do NOT use Flower's alternate design without asking first. Her canonical design is used way more often, but if you still wanna use her alt design, I'm more than happy to let you ^^!!
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