Top 5 people I miss
12.07.2020 13:01
Link5. Potato, one of my first followers and supported me since the very beginning, a very commendable friend of mine.
4. Sinpus, a good friend and an even better artist, his sad art helped me get through my sad times and his kind attitude and care towards snails constantly made me feel happy, miss you buddy!
3. MarbleFoxClub, I don't really know how to spell her name or how to put words on her art, but basically she is a really kind and great person and around a year or 2 ago she quit Flipanim for reasons unknown to me, she has really amazing art and has a lot of followers so make sure to send her some love, in hopes of someday reviving her!
2. Axel-Animates, Axel was one of my very first friends on flipanim, of course, besides ImAnAngryBird both 1 and 2, they helped me learn how to be kinder to others, how to talk to others, how to be funny, and best of all how to talk to people, I always struggled with this and she somehow got me over my problems in basically a week, she is an amazing friend -
1. RandomPer
12.07.2020 13:06
Link- and i wish she continued to post more
1. RandomPerson, she was my first (somewhat) friend on flipanim, I posted my first animation (not the first one I've ever done but the first one on this account) and described basically everything I would be doing on and for the site for it to gain popularity and take me with it (it didn't work out, seeing as I still have nearly 400 followers and Iconfreak has thousands), she commented on my post with a very blatant and basic response, but things got better as time went on, I watched her posts daily and became deeply inspired, I may have copied an animation or two just because I was young, but I've deleted them now because I've realised that they are pure C R I N G E, but I would comment on her posts and give her tips (only twice because I only saw flaws twice) and she would comment with a generally positive attitude and it's people like her that make this world go round.
12.07.2020 13:07
Linkbut most importantly I miss you guys, make sure that when you like my animation or maybe even just click it, be sure to comment, I miss talking with people, whether it be just a stripline of memes or maybe just reciting the alphabet, I really just like to talk to people if they talk to me first and I've known no better people in the world than there are on this site, please be brave, I don't bite!