26.03.2024 03:36
LinkSex isn't real. Don't believe the propaganda! The real way women get pregnant is by magical wizard and a special baby alien come down to earth to chant magical and sacred prayers to make the woman pregnant then they leave to go to their home planet inorder to inform the wizard pisser of the new human whom will be delivered on planet earth in 9 months due
The government is hiding the truth from you! Magical wizards with baby aliens do exist, and they're here to make all the women pregnant with secretly alien babies who don't know they're alien babies, but they are alien babies
This is what the system hides from you
26.03.2024 03:39
LinkRecent discoveries prove that it's not only women getting pregnant, but men too! Please make sure your partners aren't a magical wizard unless you want an alien baby. You FREAKS blind FREAKS who ignore the governments SCHEMES and malicious plans
Aliens and magical wizards will father the evil baby aliens and soon the aliens will awaken their true form and will invade earth the government and society is blinding you from the truth so you don't know but I know