literally hate FA (vaugepost)


05.03.2022 13:36
LinkY'all remember when a 12 year old forced me into an animated collab w/ them, but I did 90% of their animation? Well fun fact it made me stress eat over the summer and I gained weight and had body issues n eneded up starving myself but whatever, anyway, the kid (who I aollwed to post in on their account) had the audacity to delete it lo

05.03.2022 13:37
LinkYou probably WON'T remember because it's now deleted, also, the kid kept wanting to add more ppl in the collab despite the fact I'd be the only one doing backgrounds and/or designs. :skull:

05.03.2022 13:38
Linktl;dr: don't do an animation collab with someone in middleschool who you've never talked to
This rant is long overdue but I just remembered the collab and they deleted it <33333333333333

05.03.2022 13:42
Linkthere's more I could call out but this is really all that affected me lo