Meet Delaora Castellino


01.12.2020 01:14
LinkDelaora Castellino
female, straight (?)
She's the daughter of king Aldrich. Her mother (ex-queen Cassandra) passed away from an unknown sickness when Dela was barely ten. Her dad wouldnt pay much attention to her. He was more of a king then a dad i guess. He remarried to a women named Brittany. She was nice for the most part, but when it came to her step daughter, she was cruel.
-side storyyy-
Brittany hates Dela because of her mom. She was inlove with Aldrich for a long time but then Cassandra showed up and ruined Brittany's chances with well- the king. Brittany was actually a good friend of the ex-queen. Plot twist plot twist ew uh, she poisoned her. yeah.
-resuming with Dela's backstory-
So, she's the next up in line fo the throne. But the problem is, she doesn't want to rule the- kingdome. She just doesn't like that, being stuck in a castle for the rest of her life and stuffs. She hates that idea. And on the plus sideee, her dad is planning on forcing

01.12.2020 01:14
Linkher to get a husband, so that she could later on take his place. But she also doesn't like the idea of marrying some random stranger and that
so, yeah.
ALSO, she likes fighting, using swords, helping out people. She's been teaching herself how to fight ever since she was 11, about a year after her mom's death. That's all I think.
Dela is super kind and generous. She would risk her live for her people. She's strong and independant. She's pretty athletic too!!

01.12.2020 01:15
the- thing on her head? golden leaf? last gift from her dear mother, always wearing it <3