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I need to talk with you, Guys.
30.01.2022 22:31
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I feel sick, Physically, Emotionally, and Mentally. There are a lot of paths to take, Because my Mom is Crazy, and I just want to leave her, or kill her,if you were in my shoes, you might feel the same. I have caught a little cold, and I don't feel so well, and I want to say something, but I also want to protect my family from my feelings, because it might hurt them, but I also know that bottling up my emotions can be Dangerous for me. If I do 1 thing, what would I do, and would the other options be better? I just don't know. I am not in the mood for the Negativity. I have already had enough Negative feelings for these Years. Sometimes I wish I had a Different family, but I know that it's wrong. I don't know how to feel. My Dad is mostly at work, but he's nice. My Sister is always annoying me, and sometimes she annoys me so much that instead of my Brain controlling the body, it's the Muscles, if you know what I mean by that. My mom is always looking at the bad side of life, and she is a neat freak.
30.01.2022 22:48
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Also, I can not sleep, and I tried to. Also, I have Anxiety, do to an Incident not that long ago. One day on a Summer day, me and my sister was watching Television, when Suddenly, Something broke the window. (I was in my sister's room) It was Pliers. Then both me and my sister went to our mom. Before we told her, Mom thought that it was us that broke something. We told her, and my sister claimed to see the Criminal. Fast Forward this story, He will never bother us again. But that is not the reason why I can't sleep. It is because I think I have Insomnia. So I don't feel good.
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