My Little Pony Flying

When there is no Pepsi Max In the store

Knock knock -doodle

Weird flying animation



useless and inconvenient.


28.06.2020 05:12
LinkI agree with u so so much

29.06.2020 23:23

29.06.2020 23:24
LinkThe only thing i can relate to with most girls is wanting to kill myself.
But having b**bs?

I mean, they aren't exactly useless, but I know they're inconvenient. Not from personal experience but from a friend.

Tbh i dont mind them they make u look kinda cool but they r really annoying
I am only 8 so tbh i dont get problems with em

I'm a boy, I don't have boobs like the women and girls do, but I feel ya, it's kinda annoying to have boobs. Theres some things about girls that I wish I couldn't even do
Like have boobs, or get pregnant. Getting pregnant is even more of a pain because a baby literally comes out of your body. And I wouldn't imagine the suffering if I were a girl to have a baby.
But I'm just a boy, and I hope you understand the other pains of being a woman.

Everybody has mixed feelings. Personally, I kind of like mine.. Don't think I'm weird please!!! :( ;-; Their not useless, they have a purpose. It's only your choice if you want to use them or not. I understand if you don't like them, when I was younger and mine first started developing I was a little scared. But I've gotten used to them and I enjoy having my feminine features. Again, PLEASE don't think I'm weird >-<

Okay yes I think they are nice
And I really used to like mine
However mine are far too big and cause serious back problems. I didn't hate them when they were C and D cups but now they have no reason to be that big.
Especially if I'm never going to use them for their natural purpose.
You're not weird
I'm just cursed with bad boobs

As a human that is flatter than a door in both ass and boobs I have no idea what it’s like-
But I gotta say
Being a flatly is kinda good sometimes

OoF as a flatty people call me “cute” instead of hot or any of those words because those words make me uncomfortable. And at our school dance I was able to actually dance bc my (much curvier) friends told me that their boobs kinda get in the way of dancing. So jokes on them I could do the cha cha slide.

I’m young, I’m not suffering yet - YET - but it’s so hard when your freaking bathing suit is only a TINY BIT BIGGER THAN YOUR REGULAR BODY SHAPE ARGHHHH. And I don’t get how your body can be attractive. Some boys are disgusting and I don’t want to ‘attract them’ towards me. But I’m scared of surgery, just the thought of it

Once at a Halloween dance, some random dude slid their hands tenderly around my freaking HIPS as if he was trying to not be noticed. Good thing he was sent home with my fist imprinted in his eye socket OwO

Same,, even though mine are pretty small, in the mornings they’re tender and hurt to a gentle touch, I can’t sleep comfortably on my stomach without having to adjust to the pain from pressure on them, and running feels embarrassing because they’re bouncing around, and tight shirts really suck because my n****es poke out ;-;