who wants to be in^^?
11.02.2021 00:14
Linkme! :D
11.02.2021 00:15
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11.02.2021 01:36
Linkwhats my chatroom again? :<
about flicker for those who don't know: Flicker is a murder mystery-based game where each night, you may be challenged to interrogate suspects, tell fates, protect others, point fingers, help the killer evade capture, or be the killer and kill everyone.
what are roles:
Roles are the main function that are played by a player. Each role has a utility and behavior. The roles existed since the First Flicker Version (also known as OG). In the new update, the roles are separated into Teams; The Good Team, the Evil Team, and the Neutral Team. If the good team eliminates the evil team, the Good Team wins. If the Evil Team eliminates the Good Team, the Evil Team wins. If the Good Team fails to eliminate the Evil Team (e.g. one person left on both the good and evil team) the evil team wins.
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