read my comment
21.06.2020 14:51
Linkif someone advertizes on 1 of ur anims, like and u dont want thum 2 for some DUM reson, i mean just delete it u dont gotta go to one of there anims and swear and do the same thing u didnt want them to do b/c honestly ppl advertize b/c they want more ppl in there contest and y do we make contests??? B/C we r bored
so next time someone advertizes on 1 of ur anims?
21.06.2020 14:53
Link can:
1. delete
3. tell them privatly, politly to stop if u r a weirdo and dont want ppl advertizing
21.06.2020 14:56
1. do the same to them
2. swear at them (this is bulling!!)
3. say mean thing to them (this is bulling!)
4. spam their anims
5. go crazy and tell all ur friends and ppl u knoe
6. go coocoo and report them
7. in their contest chat say ¨NO¨ or ¨ NEVER EW or stuff like that
21.06.2020 14:56
Linkand like stuff like that
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