- create flipbook animations online!
Shadowed Start
11.11.2021 02:58
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Thunder waved his tail to start the game. Blitz slammed his big paws down on Forest, his claws hovering delicately over his fur. Forest squirmed beneath his grip, but couldn’t free himself, eventually heaving a sigh and going limp. “HA! I got you!” Blitz screeched, tumbling off of Forest and galavanting off, only to return shortly with a twig between his jaws. “New game! For this one you-” He was cut off by the colony’s leader, Bolt. “The Meeting of the Colonies has come to an end!” Blitz’ ears drooped and he sank into a sit, sighing as he dropped the stick. Thunder was about to leave, but hesitated to say goodbyes to Blitz and Forest. “See you at the next Meeting!” Forest called as Thunder scampered back to his colony. More quietly he added, “I wish Thunder wasn’t in the Tree Colony… he should be in the River Colony, like us!” Blitz shook his head. It was called the Forest Colony, not the Tree Colony; however, Forest felt uncomfortable addressing a colony as his own name.
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