- create flipbook animations online!
UH OH (lmt)
20.02.2021 01:36
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my parents removed my door, and also i’m no longer allowed to hang out with my friends bye bye privacy and hapiness i never really needed you anyways 😛✌️ yesterday was kind of a trash day. i was overwhelmingly tired and was just being a jerk i didn’t think my mom meant it when she said “open the door or you won’t have one”. i just can’t deal with dance class anymore. it’s starting to overwhelm me and i’m on the literal brink of losing my sanity, and SHE’S DOING EVERYTHING SHE CAN TO HELP EXCEPT WHAT I WANT HER TO DO. i literally want to die. i’m really stressed about this and it doesn’t help that my brain isn’t doing well at remembering things lately. I JUST WANT TO BE HAPPY AND I DON’T WANT TO LAST ANOTHER COUPLE MONTHS LIKE THIS BECAUSE I DON’T THINK I CAN. you’re going to look back on this and realize how fvcking stupid you were. instead of standing by and OFFERING ME MONEY, YOU OFFERED TO PAY ME FOR FAKING HAPINESS. I LITERALLY CAN’T. instead of standing by, maybe DO SOMETHING.
20.02.2021 01:37
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at this point i don’t think you even understand anymore. I KNOW YOU WERE A KID ONCE TOO. stop telling me ABOUT HOW EVERYONE EXPERIENCES THIS, AND HOW MY BROTHERS WENT THROUGH THE SAME THING, BLAH BLAH BLAH. i don’t care. i don’t want to hear about other people. i want. to feel. better. you should know by now, why i feel so uncomfortable in ballet specifically. YOU. SHOULD. KNOW.
20.02.2021 02:24
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hey hey hey I hope you’re okay dude. That sounds really stressful and I’m happy you’re still powering through it. Things are gonna get better. If you can, try to talk it out, okay? If you can explain how it’s not helping or how you feel soemthing might happen. And that sounds terrible, you should have every right to your privacy. Things will blow over and you’ll be okay, but for now, you’re amazing and please keep your head up because even though things seems hard you’re freakin awesome and you’re gonna get through it mwa
20.02.2021 03:01
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AH tsym!!!!! you have no idea how much this means to me! after all the hardships are over i’m going to try my best to be a better person and i’m really confident i can do it! :D
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