We're all an illusion
Life is a simulation
The government are lizard people
Dogs are wolves but cuter and smaller
Twins have to go to a special school to unleash their super powers
We need women presidents too
Without women humans wouldn't keep existing unless god made men give birth
I'm not alright
We're not touching anything since we're all made out of atoms and atoms don't touch each other
You can't die, you'll be rebirthed without your memories
Deodorant tastes bad
We're being controlled by something
There is a ant hill in the corner of my room
Most candles smell good
Venti doesn't mean large
Every other Starbucks name for each cup size means large in different languages
My mom's paranoid
My room scares me
Spiders are cool
I'm running out of facts
and in scale of proportion, they actually have bigger brains (in proportion with their body) than humans
im not talking shit im telling you scientific facts