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Secrets of chosen one info
30.04.2021 21:32
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Numbet one: chosen one is a creature from stickfidger copyed bye undertale sans they have similar abilities and have commons chosen one have the friend animation and sans have the brother papyrus and they have the same common like chosen one lives in darker ocean sans live in snowy place number 2: the genders of chosen one it’s actually two versions of chosen one with different genders there’s plant girl the female version of chosen one with a flower eye there both the same plant girl is a plant so is chosen one chosen one gender is the male moving on to number 3: chosen one have the morphing powers he was some how planted and been given the soul of a stick by dr anybiletis and he was secretly had the brother like dead rose number 4: chosen one is one of a stalker and broken out of prison and got developed from an unknown person number 5: chosen one can suck souls out of any player on online mode and brainwashed animation one time and was banned from his house.
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