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I wrote angst
21.11.2021 18:41
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I present to you Karma fúckin dies :) Karma slashed away at the King's cape, claws and teeth barely breaking through the thick fur of the once-beloved ruler. “Your reign of terror is over!” She cried, tail flicking as the King pushed her away easily with his staff. “You're not gonna hurt them again! Not gonna her HIM again!” She threatened. She had made sure Cameron wasn’t there, she made sure she was the only one in the final fight even if she had to lock them away to do it. She couldn’t let the King manipulate them again. Not while she had any say in it. With a low growl, she jumped at him again, jaws tearing at his abdomen like it was their only purpose in life. But the action was feeble in trying. Because then it was over. Cameron burst through the castle doors, his wrists aching from the shackles that were desperately clawed off his paws. He hadn't expected to see what he had seen but it was a devastating sight. Karma was gone and there was nothing he could do. (Con-)
21.11.2021 18:42
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He felt the presence of Logan rush by, she quickly dragged away Karmas's limp body to the safety of a corner while Livia shouted and argued with her father. Cameron just stood there, staring at it, staring at HER. His wings flexed back and forth, he needed to leave, he needed to get out of there. This wasn’t happening, it can’t be, Karma couldn’t die! She told him that she told him they would be okay! She told him that they would get out of Zella together! She promised him! She promised!...
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