- create flipbook animations online!
Well, I didn't make it to 5
28.05.2020 20:38
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The storm had fled to reveal the band of pink skies and cotton candy clouds while the ocean sang below. Socko sat on the metal railing on the edge of the nearby metro, with his headphones on, and his worries far behind him as he gazed out into the sunset. The train was passing as he jumped off of the railing and drifted down the small hill below, turning the once white, soles of his shoes green. Socko ran down to the beach and slid his sneakers and socks off then he ran with his feet kicking the water, splashing on to the lower part of his pants. He ran halfway down the beach, only to trip on a large, heavy object. He sat up, wiping sand from his eyes and clothes, then turned around to see a shining blue, gem looking thing, that the tide seemed to have brought in. He picked it up and slid it into the pocket of his jacket, then put on his socks and shoes to run back home. At the dining table he took out the partially sandy, blue gem and showed his mother and father. They did admit it was pretty,
28.05.2020 20:39
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but didn’t know anything about it, like where it had come from. He just decided that it was some sort of random crystal, so he walked to his room to play on his keyboard. It was 1:30 AM, when Socko woke up to a faint rattling coming from his nightstand. He slid out of bed and peeked over to see the crystal shaking heavily. He wrote a quick note and flung the paper onto his bed, then slipped on his travel bag, just in case something happened. As Socko grasped his crystal, he felt gravity pull him towards his window. He had opened his window, with the force pulling him out. Barefoot, and in his pajamas, he found himself running to the beach with a crystal in his hand. The force kept on pulling him until he reached the tideline. The crystal rattled even heavier than before, it started to float up about a foot higher than his head. It turned black, while the sides seemed to be slowly opening, letting the colors blue, pink, and black be seen. Socko stepped back an inch while the crystal shook in the air.
28.05.2020 20:40
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The crystal burst, revealing a hole created by the waves. He could see the same colors, black, pink, and blue. Socko slipped his leg in, when suddenly, the same force pulled the rest of his body inside. He let out a faint shriek while falling through the three colored abyss. His cry had ended when he hit a colored square with a loud thud. It was black, and was rounded at the edges with blue and pink outlining the sides. So was everything else in that black abyss. There were a variety of shapes and sizes of the masses in the room, and they seemed to be floating in a line. He peeked over the edge of the floating square, only to see a door at the end of the path of shapes. One by one, he hopped across the shapes until he reached the door. Socko reached the door, looking through it, pushing through the bright white light. He found himself standing on a flat purple checkered baseplate, with the same black abyss above him. “All of that work just to end up here?” He thought. Socko turned around only to find the
28.05.2020 20:42
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small door hole shrinking. He raced back, but it was too late, it had closed. Sitting down, wishing he was home, Socko gazed down at the black crystal sitting in his hand. He layed back, hearing a distant, discordance sound. Looking to his side, he saw large red objects floating toward him, with very threatening faces. He got up and grabbed a sharp stick from his backpack, while the creatures were coming closer. Running now, he tried slashing his stick through one of the terrifying beasts, only to do nothing. He tried again, but fell backwards while the beasts drew closer. He closed his eyes, knowing he wouldn't make it out alive, when suddenly he heard a nearby harmonic sound, then out came four bright lights, yellow, blue, red, and green. All carrying some sort of weapon like thing. They leaped into action, battling off the beasts. The yellow light sped over to him, carrying him behind a purple block, “Don't be afraid, just stay here until we fight them off.” She said running towards the action.
28.05.2020 20:43
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Crouching down behind the block, he heard a loud screech followed by silence. He heard boots padding against the purple floor, coming his direction. “I saw a mortal over here…” Said the yellow light. The four beings looked behind the block to see Socko sitting with his hands covering his face. “There he is, the mortal.” Now that they were closer, he could see they clearly weren’t lights, but they were beings. There was a red boy, wearing a black bodysuit, red chest and waist armor, red boots, and red hair. “Hello kid, I'm Drums.” There was a yellow girl, wearing a white bodysuit, yellow chest and waist armor, yellow boots, with yellow hair. ”Hello mortal, I am Guitar.” He saw a green girl wearing a white bodysuit, green chest and waist armor, green boots, and green hair. “Greetings mortal, I am Flute.” Lastly, he saw a tall blue girl wearing a black bodysuit, blue chest and waist armor, blue boots, and blue hair. “Salutations mortal, I am Harp.” “U-um… Im Socko?” He stuttered. “Well then, hello Socko!
28.05.2020 20:44
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We are the Harmonics!” Exclaimed Guitar. “What were those… things?” “Those were discords. They lurk around all the time, wrecking havoc, and ruining the harmony!” Flute exclaimed. “Do you know any possible way to escape this place?” The group gasped. “Oh…” Drums said while raising his shoulders. “You know how we were just talking about those discord monsters? They are the reason no one can escape. A long time ago, this dimension had something called a harmony stone. Making this world fill with harmony and wonder, until the discords escaped into our world! They stole the harmony crystal and threw it out of our dimension, then continued to destroy our world.” Flute looked down. “Wait, what is that!?” She said while pointing to the black crystal in Socko’s hand. “Oh, that? I found it by the beach, it was also the thing that sucked me into your dimension.” The group stared at each other. “That crystal, that's the harmony crystal!” Exclaimed Flute. “We must return it now!” “Ok? How do we do that?”
28.05.2020 20:46
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Flute grabbed the crystal. “I have a map, we just need to get moving before more discords enter our world!” “Well, what does the map say?” Drums questioned. “It says we head over to that door!” Over in the distance, they could all see a dark purple door up against a purple wall. “Why couldn’t I see that before?” Socko questioned angrily. “The discords were making that door invisible, to trick your mind into thinking that you were going to stay there forever, not giving you the motives to keep pushing forward to stop them.” Guitar replied. They had reached the door, when Drums pulled out a drumstick. The stick grew a blade at the end, suddenly turning it into a sword. He sliced the purple door open, leaving a large hole for everyone to crawl through. Once Socko had crawled through the hole, the ground shook like an earthquake, when suddenly, a large dragon, the same red color as the discords, flew out from a large hole in the black room. He roared, and roared, with his claws unsheathed and his pupils
28.05.2020 20:47
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shrunken. The dragon charged at Socko in the air, but hissed and backed away from him once it was about six feet away. “What?” Socko questioned with disbelief. “Is it scared of me?” “No! It's scared of the crystal!” Drums yelled. Next time the dragon charged, Socko held the crystal out in his hand. The dragon kept on screeching, pain flooding its body. It was then, when Socko caught a glimpse of a small hole in the dragon's chest, a hole about the same shape as the harmony crystal. “Distract him! Make sure he doesn’t see me!” He shouted. The group nodded while Socko rushed off towards the angry dragon. Covering the crystal with part of his pajamas so the power wouldn’t affect the mighty beast. Once he was close enough, he slowly put the crystal into the chest of the dragon, then ran as fast as he could before it started screeching. That is exactly what the dragon did. But instead of falling down to its death, it stood, screeching, while its scales turned from red, to blue and pink in seconds.
28.05.2020 20:47
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Its eyes turned black, with beautiful white pupils. It had a flower crown on his head, along with elk looking antlers. It was the most beautiful thing Socko had ever seen. He carefully removed the crystal, knowing that the dragon had got its power from it. The dragon had a harmonic sounding roar, and was a lot more peaceful and calm. Socko slowly slid onto the dragons back with the crystal in his grasp. He gripped the dragon’s shoulder blades to stay on. He called the Harmonics over to ride the dragon. “C’mon! She’s friendly now! If she wasn’t, she wouldn’t have let me sit on her!” “Ok, if you say so…” Drums said in an unsure voice. Everyone hopped on the dragon as she lifted her wings and flew up, right before a whole other group of discords were able to reach them. Now flying, Socko lifted his hands in excitement. “Woo Hoo!” He exclaimed. The dragon flew through a large hole in the top area of her room, bringing them to a gray, grass-covered world, with dark skies and broken fountains,
28.05.2020 20:48
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empty dragon dens and caves, and not a single movement in sight. Socko gasped in sadness. “This is what the discords did?” Socko questioned in shock. “Yes, this used to be our home, ever since the discords came.” Socko looked back at the depressing landscape, seeing a big stone surrounded by smaller ones. He noticed the big stone had the same crystal shaped hole that the dragon had. The dragon glided down to the stones so Socko could leap off. He ran over to the stones with the Harmonics following. Now standing in front of the stone, he gently pushed the crystal into the small hole. After about three seconds, the ground shook heavily, Socko looked around expecting to see colors popping in on the world. Instead of color, a gigantic throne was rising out of the ground. A large red, winged giant with horns and a king's cape and crown glared down at the five as he rose from the ground. “Well well well, look who returned.The Harmonics isn’t it? Oh, and I see you've brought a little friend too! How pleasing!”
28.05.2020 20:48
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He chuckled. “This will be a treat! More victims to witness another BLOOD SPATTERING BATTLE! And how rude of me, I am King Discord! Ruler of the discord army!” Then from behind his throne, he pulled out a large red and gold colored trident. “Now, let's get started…” He soared off of his throne while Socko and the Harmonics ran back to the dragon. They flew up into the gray and depressing sky. King Discord held his flaming trident in his hand, with an evil smile spread across his face. He dashed towards them slicing his weapon in their direction. The dragon doged the flames and shot purple fire to the discord’s face. He growled, his emotions flooding with anger. The dragon charged, scratching the king on the chest. That was when King Discord took his flaming trident and stabbed the dragon's wing. She fell down unable to fly again. The five of them leaped off the dragon, and rushed behind her making the king unable to see them. “We need to use our powers together!” Harp whispered. “How do we do that?
28.05.2020 20:49
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We’ve tried before, it doesn’t work! Remember?” Drums exclaimed. “Wait, look!” Socko said, pointing to the somehow illuminated weapons, Flute’s spear, Harp’s bow and arrows, Drum’s sword, and Guitar’s axe. “Wait! I know what this means! I’ve studied it before! Flute said while pushing the weapons closer to each other. Socko watched as the weapons merged together. Socko looked up to see a giant purple kitsune standing in front of him. The kitsune slowly approached the king from behind. The mighty nine-tailed fox leaped up, standing on King Discords back while using his claws to stab him. King Discord threw the kitsune off of him, turning around to kill it. It was then, the kitsune stood with his eyes closed, and produced a beautiful melody. The king stood there, knowing he had been defeated. He slowly fell down, almost as if he was melting. And he laid there, then disappeared into thin air. Colors filled the sky, as dragons and other creatures re-appeared into the world. Waterfalls spat water,
28.05.2020 20:50
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clouds flew across the blue sky, animals were playing. Socko hugged the Harmonics, knowing that they all had saved the day. He looked back at the rocks as a portal began to show. “Oh, i-it's time for me to go.” Socko said with a frown. He sat up slowly walking towards the portal. “WAIT! Take this!” Socko looked back to see Drums holding that crown that the king left behind. Socko ran back and hugged them all again. “I will really miss you guys!” Socko said, running towards the portal with the crow in his hands. “Bye!” He jumped through the portal finding himself laying on the beach with the crown. He felt something in his pocket. He reached into his pocket to find a small crystal with a note on the side. “A crystal that can bring you back whenever you want! Love, the Harmonics.” The note read. Socko smiled, then ran back home to check on his parents.
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28.05.2020 20:50
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The end. :D
28.05.2020 21:03
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This story was a narrative project for school, I called this story, The Music Crystal.
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